Parliament postpones complete the questioning of the defense minister to action next week [Expanded]

Parliament postpones complete the questioning of the defense minister to action next week [Expanded]

9/8/2016 16:30

Parliament postpones complete the questioning of the defense minister to action next week[Wayne-Baghdad]
House of Representatives voted at its ninth regular legislative term of the first third legislative year , headed by the Vice President of the Council Iaram Sheikh Mohammed , in the presence of 237 deputies on Tuesday to postpone the completion of the interrogation Defense Minister Khaled al – Obeidi to action next Monday.
According to a statement to inform the House of Representatives received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it on Tuesday he was “in the beginning of the meeting Iaram feet Sheikh Mohammed behalf of the Council heartfelt sympathies to the chest cleric Moqtada al – Sadr , the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Mr. Mohammed Mohammed Sadeq al – Sadr and his two sons and read the Council Surat Fatiha in memory of the spirit of the martyr Mohamed al- Sadr and his two sons. ”
the Deputy chairman of the House of Representatives condolences for each of the MP Hassan Khalati of the death of his sister and MP Khosro Goran of the death of his mother and his deputy Abdul Hadi al- Shuli of the death of his father.
on the other hand stressed Iaram Sheikh Mohammed on the House of Representatives the most difficult stage and the scene in general in crisis for the sensitivity of the situation and the accumulation of problems and crises. the
Chair said that the representatives of the people to bear a great responsibility and duty of moral and legal towards those who elected them, vowing that the people ‘s representatives are involved in exposing corruption and corrupt files, noting that the charges raised against the House of representatives has raised the ire of the street and Rai year, stressing the importance of uncovering the facts in front of the Iraqi people in a neutral, transparent and professional noting that the board of continuous Representatives work to enact important laws calling for committees to send ready – made ​​laws , legislation and create the necessary reports to the issues and the topics raised at the meetings relate to the lives of citizens. This
was followed by the Committee of martyrs statement on the occasion the anniversary of the martyrdom of Mr. Mohammed Mohammed Sadeq al – Sadr and his two sons , emphasizing the importance of inspiration lessons from the biography of great leaders, including Shahid Saeed al – Sadr , who enjoyed unique advantages, noting that the anniversary represents recalling the values ​​and tournaments to resist tyrants and remove the wall of fear from the hearts of Iraqis, pointing out that the Platform Sadr reformist began to repair the psychology and refined even arrived wearing the shroud and Friday prayers, prompting the Baath regime offender to assassinate him. The
committee called for the expulsion of all Baathists from sensitive government departments and to compensate those affected by the Baath regime and demanding the House of Representatives general standing of trying to delay the martyrs privileges as well as an invitation human rights organizations to stand by the victims and ask the United Nations to issue a decision to criminalize the Baath Party.
then followed by Parliament Speaker Salim al – Jubouri , a statement said , “at this important historical moment to talk to you very clearly as did the opportunity arises for me in the last session to talk to you so clearly because of the confusion that took place as a result of the alleged allegations, as I wanted neutrality that paved the way for everyone to know the truth and verify reports of her health through the means of investigation that took place starting from the parliamentary integrity Committee through the body integrity, and the end of the judicial institution especially that work is still ongoing on verifiable, and Stnkhv facts you and our people, and will realize some of the dominated by mistrust that was not successful in that. ”
he said the President of the House of Representatives, said that” trying to disrupt the function of oversight and accountability to the House of Representatives a large plot works by corrupt real and thieves of public money to evade legal accountability to the people in an attempt them to hide the truth behind the guise of false allegations fabricated and slanders not the fact it “, adding that” challenged the legitimacy of the state institutions and represented a dangerous precedent affecting the security of the state and its public and open the way for dodging and dropouts of justice by questioning the ability of oversight institutions, the judiciary and the impartiality of the chapter in discounts and judging the performance of the executive bodies, and in this way we will allow all those evasion power of the people by acting unilaterally without Oomhacbh
control. the Jubouri that” deal with what happened in the House of Representatives in the questioning of the Minister of defense in a way session tried to invalidate all the arguments and allegations put forward by the accused to miss an opportunity to those who try to hide the truth to evade the will of the people and power despite the fact that these claims are invalid in toto not one evidence proved , have been marred by a lot of attacking and insulting the MPs words graffiti worthy of the sanctity of the parliament in particular that the judiciary is the arbiter of the evidence or denied that , according to these claims , “explaining that he” is questioning session management to the Vice President of the Council for doing the job on my behalf in order to narrow the opportunity to escape or evade the issue of the people those tempted to it, “pointing out that” there are large plots on the political process and public order of the state and it is important that the internal differences do not allow to give Iraq ‘s enemies an opportunity to undermine the security of the country. ”
he stressed Jubouri that” the House of Representatives is the safety valve for the protection of the law and the Constitution and preserve the prestige of the state , public order and therefore any abuse directed at Vice unjustly for he is the abuse of all deputies are even abuse of the Iraqi people who Akhtarham and elected by his representatives , “rejecting” any accusations by the media or means of communication directed to Gentlemen Representatives or the presidency or a legal person or any citizen without completing the legal requirements for the charge. ”
He called on the president of the Council both” has a complaint against any of the members of the House to go to eliminate directly and without defamation and that the House would not hesitate to take all necessary measures to facilitate the procedures work of the judiciary in order to achieve a fair and transparent working to raise the grievances of the Iraqi people , all of them , “stressing that” the House of Representatives will spend in the coming sessions to complete the prosecution of corrupt process and hold negligent and will not take us in it to anybody as long. ”
President al – Jubouri and offering a voluntary request to lift his immunity Because of what was raised in questioning the Minister of defense of the charges and desire him to complete the judicial proceedings relating to the completion of the judicial investigation session.
then the Council voted to lift the immunity of Salim al – Jubouri , head of the House of Representatives.
as was voted to lift the immunity of both MP Mohammed Nasser Karbouli MP architectural student upon request and on a voluntary basis because of the effects and defense Minister of against them accusations and complete the investigation procedures.
and on the questioning of the Minister of defense process explained Iaram Sheikh Mohammed , the “mini – committee in the integrity Commission, which investigated the charges can not be renamed the Commission investigative until after the vote by the council , ” noting that ” the investigation of corruption of the integrity Committee tasks with the help of other committees.”
He noted Sheikh Mohammed , that “not a council vote on his conviction Bajpat and defense minister in the questioning session last week due to the disruption of quorum in the previous session,” alluding to the lack of a legal text prevent a vote on the issue in future sessions , noting that the withdrawal of confidence from the minister is in accordance with the contexts and procedures are known , including the submission of a request of 50 deputies after seven days after the interrogation process.
the Council agreed to postpone complete the questioning of Secretary of defense procedures and vote on conviction Council Bojobth or not to session next Monday. This
was followed by an MP Vian Dakhil a statement to mark the second anniversary of the tragedy of Sinjar, pointed it out that Daash terrorist gangs expropriated the city of Sinjar and practiced murder and exile against the judiciary operations and left the abduction of more than three thousand women and children by the terrorist organization as well as the martyrdom more than 1,200 people because of Alajtah brutal, saying that the city is still stricken and abandoned because of the infrastructure and services destroyed.
crossed MP intruder rejected reprisals and take the judiciary and law role in punishing criminals, demand the liberalization of the hijackers and work on the rehabilitation of survivors and the reconstruction of the city and provide services in addition to the the call for compensation to the families of belonging and the formation of a fact – finding committee on the hit Yazidis in Sinjar. on
the other hand, the Council discussed the issue of compensation for those affected by the recent events in the district of Tuz based on the request from the Attorney Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu.
and the MP architecture Ihsanoglu , damaged more than 200 homes in the district of Tuz as well as the burning of shops due to the internal conflict in the city where he has not been compensated folks any amount so far by the government, calling on the Council to vote on the decision to grant the amount of three billion dinars interim solution to compensate the affected families in the judiciary , although the total amount of damage exceeds the figure required.
in the interventions of Representatives MP drew MP Hassan Turhan to the importance of setting a time limit to make up for the sons of the judiciary affected the formation of a committee to consider the losses.
I suggest MP Hassan Shammari drafting of a resolution that includes a recommendation to the government for the formation of a committee to assess the damage in the judiciary.
She called MP Zainab visual to hold those responsible accountable innocents in the district of Tuz and to compensate those affected by the terrorist attacks.
MP Farhad able vote of the Council to compel the government to compensate those affected in the amount of 80 billion dinars set by the administrative committee that evaluated the damage in the city.
He noted the MP Ammar Tohme said Tuz suffered many tragic events before and after former regime fall , which requires the government to provide services and solve problems in the city to reduce feelings of tension and resolve the crisis there.
for his part , MP Abdul – Jabbar Rhiv that the city of Tuz made ​​over many years great sacrifices to Mhah dictatorship and terrorism , which requires the government to support them.
the MP Abbas al – Bayati to speed up the return of infrastructure reconstruction in Tuz after the destruction of more than 70% of them to be able to residents from returning to it.
She MP Ashwaq dry to work on activating the principle of punishment for those who caused the recent crisis in the city of Tuz.
He noted the MP Hakhuan Abdullah to delayed compensation for those affected by the events that took place in the district of Tuz despite the passage of several months which calls for speeding provide.
the MP Abd al – Rahim al – Shammari on the importance of working on the consolidation of real coexistence between spend Tuz components with work to be to eliminate a special status from the point of compensation.
the MP Joseph Salioh that criterion is important in a true democracy is access of minorities and religious components of their rights, suggesting the formation of a parliamentary committee permanent competent minority issues.
through MP Haneen Qaddo support for granting compensation to the families spend Tuz , pointing to the importance of work in accordance with the constitutional framework for the settlement of problems.
He also called Zia league to hold accountable the party that caused the outbreak conflict in the district of Tuz with work to compensate those affected in the judiciary parallel to compensate those affected in the district round.
the face of the presiding legal and financial committees to study the issue of a council vote on the resolutions or recommendations which along with Mali and see how compelling the government and discuss the issue of non – implementation of some of them by the executive branch , taking into account financial and legal sides of any decisions issued by the Board.
He called on the relevant committees to formulate on the Elimination of Tuz Khurmatu decision and submitted to a vote at a meeting next Thursday.
It was decided then adjourn the meeting to next Thursday.