The central bank adopted a new policy to communicate with banks and financial companies

The central bank adopted a new policy to communicate with banks and financial companies

8.8.2016 13:23

The central bank adopted a new policy to communicate with banks and financial companies{Baghdad} Euphrates News Central Bank announced, adopted an open door policy {} to connect with licensed private banks, financial firms and conversion, as well as a broker in the sale and purchase of foreign currency businesses.
According to a statement of the bank and the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it, that ” the Bank relies open – door policy to communicate with you and listen to your comments and your affairs and obstacles that confront you, our belief that the interactive relationship and direct communication would Breaking the difficulties and eliminates bureaucratic phenomena and prevent exploitation, nepotism, and helps in building a banking and financial decent sector “in reference to private banks licensed, companies money transfer, as well as a broker in the sale and purchase of foreign currency companies.
he noted that” in addition to the means of communication currently available with the departments of formations Bank, dedicated email {contact @ cbi. iq } will be conservative receives directly up to this email, and can send your comments or suggestions or Tzlmatkm or request interviews bank governor on this message , bearing in mind that all of this is in the framework of the observance of laws and regulations and instructions, “explaining that ” when there is a delay or lack of response from the stakeholders in the bank, and taking into account that a corresponding request to the order described in the application configuration to answer it from the formations concerned at the central bank. ”
he added that” to mediate when persons or entities , either directly or indirectly , is unacceptable, and calls us to doubt and take a cautious stance as long as our doors open to listen to Qzaiakm and requests , “noting that” We reject and ignore any request or address do not appear among the official colds and entry fundamentalist in imports of the central bank. ”
he pointed out that” some claim that exposure to blackmail from the staff in order to stroll treated at the central bank often be motivated others co – opt for mediation and intervention, which is a very dangerous practice if it is incorrect , as is happening in what we learn it from cases {and true}, the professional and national duty to be informed of Directors of the Bank directly in order to counter any negative phenomenon does not help to provide a safe and fair environment I will appreciate these positions and put informants reported in integrity, honesty and diligence box. ”
He noted the bank that” some who apply right decisions and actions of the Central Bank are using the media or communication sites accusations and defamation staff responsible for the conduct of transactions or in charge of surveillance and investigation, including damages to the bank Central , a tactic inconsistent with the lowest fitness and professionalism and objectivity degrees and unbecoming the banking and financial sector , which has stabilized in most countries of the world on the best practices and the highest degree of professional, social and ethical responsibility. ”
he explained , ” would such practices expose practitioners have legal consequences, as well as he does not help build a relationship of respect towards those who do these practice. ”
and that” all decisions and directives reach you pass through the mechanisms and committees and channels and is adopted after being reviewed on the basis of laws and regulations, so the load any employee a particular responsibility to take such decisions away from the course is manufacture and taken “.anthy