Najafi calls to replace al-Jubouri and reveals the secret talks between Iraq and Turkey [Extended]

Najafi calls to replace al-Jubouri and reveals the secret talks between Iraq and Turkey [Extended]

8.8.2016 11:40

Najafi calls to replace al-Jubouri and reveals the secret talks between Iraq and Turkey[Oan- up]
president of a coalition united Osama Najafi called, to replace Parliament Speaker Salim al – Jubouri , “for the failure of his administration and incompetence , headed by parliament , ” revealing at the same time for a “secret conversations took place between Iraq and Turkey concerning the normalization of relations.”
Nujaifi said in a newspaper interview, said that “the defense minister revealed an important issue with regard to the files of corruption in Iraq, if proved in the judiciary , it will open a new era at this level , ” noting that it was “against the way and the means by which followed al – Obeidi in view what his possession within dome of the parliament during his interrogation process, where it was submitting files to the judiciary, but provoked by some MPs, forcing him to that, so the needed now is a swift judicial move in order to know the truth. ”
In response to a question about the position of the parliament speaker Salim al – Jubouri, which has received most of the charges by the al – Obeidi, a link that the situation within the alliance of the Iraqi forces, Najafi said that “there are two issues in the case of al – Jubouri; one regarding the nature of his performance as speaker before the interrogation crisis, as it is no longer successful in his mission, and the other relating to interrogation and charges raised against him by the minister, we have discussed this matter clearly and his presence during our last meeting , which took place here in my house, and we have agreed to suspend the issue of the dismissal or resignation of al – Jubouri , waiting to be decided by the judiciary. ”
he explained that” even if the judiciary did not prove the charges against him, we see that the man failed in parliament , the management and the intersection with the political forces, was not efficient , “and wondered:” How does the prime minister prevented him from traveling, which represents an insult to the institution of parliament , which should have been her top in the Iraqi state, and not vice versa, which means that the position of the Speaker of parliament is weak. ”
and about whether his position on the al – Jubouri , due to disagreement within the Sunni front, Najafi denied this , saying:” this is not so, but the nature of the performance, where I stood next to him when he was dismissed during the month of April, because we we do not accept to be told the Speaker of parliament in this way, although I am convinced she was being replaced by us, as our candidate will not accept the way in which Oridt by his dismissal. ”
on the nature of targets by al – Obeidi of the parties within the Sunni component, Najafi said:” we acknowledge that corruption general situation in Iraq include everyone, and the al – Obeidi files belonging to other parties to the other ingredients, but in return, do not deny that there is a group within the Sunni component to behave incorrectly, and turned out to sabotage the tool within the component at all levels, starting with those who had called [year – Maliki] [former Prime Minister Nuri al – Maliki and others, and thus it was necessary for us to get rid of them, so you will not have a presence among us, after being converted to cancer within the Sunni body. ”
he revealed Najafi on the other hand, for” secret meetings between governments; the Iraqi and Turkish, were held in Italy and Istanbul, concerning the nature of future relations between the two countries at various levels, including the relationship with the PKK and other files, which is certainly a good sign. ”
and between that” certain point [undisclosed] informed me on them and, when I asked the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi acknowledged by, knowing that al – Abadi has already cost me to play a role in a humidified atmosphere with Turkey, I have done it already, and also asked me to do the same role with Saudi Arabia, noting that there is a will to sabotage the relationship between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, beyond Abadi , a desire that I see wants to repair these relations, but his hands Gosairtan, note that the relationship with Saudi Arabia, which is a difficult number in the region, it could have an impact on the stability of the region. ”