Urgent: questioning of the defense minister and his departure from parliament

Urgent: questioning of the defense minister and his departure from parliament

1/8/2016 17:11

Urgent - questioning of the defense minister and his departure from parliament[Wayne-Baghdad]
he ended questioning Defense Minister Khaled al – Obeidi in a parliament session on Monday.
The MP for the National Alliance covenants Fadhli told all of Iraq [where] that ” the questioning of the Minister of Defense ended and left the parliament hall with his entourage.”
She pointed out that “parliament is not yet as a result of the interrogation decide Maatertb it.”
The Defense Minister Khaled al – Obeidi, was accused in questioning today ‘s meeting Parliament Speaker Salim al – Jubouri and deputies to exercise extortion to pass arming decades around suspicions of corruption worth millions of dollars , including the purchase of 1300 Hummer military of the United States.
Obeidi said al – Jubouri , “March political blackmail to pass arming and buy cars decades to be forwarded to people close to al – Jubouri operations for the purpose of obtaining kickbacks to Iraqi blood account. ”
Jubouri strongly denied the accusations and defense minister”, calling it “Palmsarhh to derail the questioning , ” declaring that he “intends to sue al – Obeidi to these accusations and hauling raised by the Commission on Public integrity to investigate them.”
Jubouri said, he will be in court and he will not preside over the meetings of parliament until check his innocence of the charges of corruption.
for his part , the face of Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi integrity Commission to investigate the allegations raised in the questioning of the Minister of Defence in the House of Representatives hearing today about corrupted files that are to cooperate with the committees to verify the House of Representatives on Thread and not one is above the law. ”
