An agreement Erbil and Washington’s military (illegal) and marks the beginning of the division of the country
Deputy for the rule of law: An agreement Erbil and Washington’s military (illegal) and marks the beginning of the division of the country
Posted, Sun, 17 Jul 2016 20:56:37
Observer news / Baghdad MP for the coalition of state law Mohammed Chihod, Saturday, the military agreement signed between the Kurdistan region and the United States is illegal for not informed the Federal Government on its details, while he considered a first step to achieve Biden a project to divide the country. He said Chihod that ” the United States of America taken several measures to protect its interests and to achieve Biden aimed to split the country project into three sectarian regions, including dealing with the Kurdistan region as an independent state, and military agreements signed between Erbil and Washington in isolation from the federal government, “noting that” the measures mentioned and the emergence of al Daash criminal in Iraq and the silence of politicians in Baghdad for the excesses of government Erbil falls within the vortex Biden divisive project. ” He added that” bilateral military agreement is losing legitimacy and contrary to the Iraqi Constitution and international covenants to not informed the Federal government on the details , “and urged the Iraqi government to” the need to address the US administration to respect the unity of the country and to refrain from dealing with the the Kurdistan region as an independent state. ” and signed a defense minister of the Kurdistan region Karim Sinjari, Assistant US Secretary of defense Robert York, at (12/07/2016) security agreement in Erbil for strengthening military cooperation between the two sides, as expressed by observers from their concerns about the government of Arbil refrain from view details agreement on the federal government.