Security: America has reneged on the security of Iraq and covered up corrupt

A member of the parliamentary security: America has reneged on the security of Iraq and covered up corrupt

07/11/2016 12:58

Security - America has reneged on the security of Iraq and covered up corrupt[Special Oan-]
accused and defense committee member of the parliamentary security, the United States, to “repudiate” its support for the security file in Iraq and “she does in front on corrupt involved financial and administrative corruption.”
Said Majed al – Gharawi told all of Iraq [where] that ” the US administration has a security agreement with Iraq, but they have had a negative role through its pressure on the government and its interference in Iraqi affairs , as evidence suggests that it did not support Iraq as required.”
He added that “gangs Daash terrorist had occupied and stretched far from the regions and the provinces without the United States moving in a timely manner, which bears the greatest responsibility for the security file in Iraq, as it did not press the supporting of terrorism , to stop the funding of terrorists. ”
He pointed Ghraoui that” the United States maintains its policy and agendas, not security Iraq and the Iraqi government must be aware of the current conditions faced by the country and the dimensions of the security apparatus for sectarian and partisan quotas and choose security incompetent leaders can manage the security file properly and required, unfortunately some leaders do not have the experience in this aspect. ”
He continued , ” on the technical side of the level to Iraq There are contracts with America and its allies , but so far Iraq has not received detect explosive devices advanced the wheels sonar contracted it failed and no corruption in this aspect and America have much knowledge of the security personalities involved with corruption but do not reveal their names. ”
The US Secretary of defense Ashton Carter We arrived in Baghdad, Monday morning, in an unannounced visit by then to meet with US military and Iraqi officials leaders.
the Iraq and the United States have signed in November 17 , 2008 strategic framework agreement for a relationship of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, and emphasizes the “relationship long – term economic, diplomatic, cultural and security fields, based on the relationship of friendship and cooperation to the mutual respect and the principles and recognized standards of international law and to meet international obligations, and the principle of non – interference in internal affairs, rejection of the use of violence to settle differences. ” it
also stressed the Convention” that does not the United States uses land, sea and airspace of Iraq starting point or transit point for attacks on other countries and not to seek or request permanent bases or a permanent military presence in Iraq. ”
the capital of Baghdad last week ‘s explosion , a car bomb targeted a shopping mall district of Karrada was the deadliest in Iraq since 2003 , in which 292 people were martyred and wounded more than 200 others , according to official statistics.