Parliament will discuss next Tuesday the terrorist bombings and change the Baghdad security leaders

Deputy: Parliament will discuss next Tuesday the terrorist bombings and change the Baghdad security leaders

07.09.2016 11:37

Parliament will discuss next Tuesday the terrorist bombings and change the Baghdad security leaders{Baghdad: Euphrates News} MP for the coalition of Kurdish blocs Bakhtiar Shawis said, that the House will discuss in its meeting scheduled to be held on Tuesday the terrorist bombings that the country has recently witnessed.
Shaways said in a press statement, said that ” the meeting will be very important and there will be a quorum, particularly after the decision and Kurdish blocs and the Federal Court that it will participate in the meeting.”
He added that ” the meeting will discuss the deteriorating security situation, and the recent terrorist bombings, especially in the capital Baghdad and the recent changes conducted Abadi security leaders and change the security chiefs in Baghdad, as it should on the security and defense committee indicate its opinion on the current security situation. ”
the general commander of the armed forces , Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, issued yesterday an order exempting the commander of Baghdad operations of the office, and the exemption of security and intelligence officials in Baghdad office.
saw the Karrada district of central Baghdad last week, a suicide terrorist great, do a car bomb loaded with a quarter of a ton of high explosives led to a central burning shopping in the area, killing 292 people and injuring 200 others, according to government reports from the Ministry of Health and lead operations Baghdad and criminal evidence.
for its part announced and defend the parliamentary security committee, its intention to reveal the special ministries of defense, interior and institutions and security of public opinion files after meeting leaders security and the ministers after the feast, calling the commander in chief of the armed forces to take responsibility for his choices of ministers and security leaders who have proven their failure in the security management file and information in the country, forcing him to re – assess and evaluate and structure of security services and information and intelligence , and intelligence, according to professional standards and national loyalty of Iraq away from partisan considerations and self – interest or political. According to committee member Majed al – Gharawi.
Also saw Balad last Friday night, targeting the shrine of Mr. Muhammad peace be upon him by three suicide bombers, security forces managed to kill one of them in the dawn of the other two themselves outside the walls of the shrine , which resulted in the deaths and wounding 80 people.
It condemned the religious authority in the words of its representative in the holy city of Karbala, Ahmed Safi, yesterday, the bombing of Karrada and targeting the shrine of Mr. Muhammad peace be upon him in Balad, criticizing not taking the government the necessary measures to address security breaches, noting that “complacency with spoilers and losers on the blood of the expense of citizens is intolerable.”
it is scheduled the House of Representatives held Tuesday of this week, after the end of its regular legislative recess and the resolution of the Federal Court ‘s decision not to invoke Bgelsta parliament on 14 and 26 April for changing presidency of the parliament and the ministerial amendment , which was then on the parliament sessions and disable Amlh.anthy