Iran vows to destroy Iraq’s Kurdistan region

Iran vows to destroy Iraq’s Kurdistan region

Published on: 7-2-2016, 13:47

Iran vows to destroy Iraqs Kurdistan regionFree Event / S.o ..
Iranian authorities vowed on Saturday to invade and destroy the Kurdistan region, as alluded to that a hundred thousand rockets in Lebanon and tens of thousands of rockets in the Muslim world waiting for orders to wipe out Israel.
Iranian President Hassan Rohani said that “the Palestinian people will not be left alone,” and added: “In light of steadfastness and resistance, victory will be ours.”
He explained Rouhani on the sidelines of his participation in the march of Tehran that “the ghost of the band in the Muslim world, and the presence of the Takfiri and terrorist groups in the region and the line of bargaining, made us move away from the principles of the liberation of Palestine. And not to the Muslims to achieve these principles, only the unity, cohesion and adherence to the resistance and jihad and response to terrorist groups handwriting and infidels. ”
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif expressed the view that “the Zionist entity and terrorist groups is a grave danger in the world, because both are directed by the forces that carry the ideas of these groups in the world and the region.”
The President of the Council of Experts and the Guardian Ahmad Jannati stressed that “the Iranian people will stay in the arena, even erase the Israeli entity from the land of Palestine.”
He described the deputy commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Hossein Salami, Israel as a “poisoned dagger” in the side of the Islamic nation and bridge head of the US spy in the Islamic world, “adding that” the Palestinian stone revolution turned into missiles revolution, nor room to breathe in the Zionist entity “..
He added in a reference to “Hezbollah” the Lebanese: “There are a hundred thousand rockets in Lebanon, ready to launch on the Zionist entity,” following up “There are tens of thousands of long-range missiles in all parts of the Muslim world, waiting for all orders in the direction of the Zionist enemy to erase it from the map the world. but it is not limited to only the missiles, because the elements of the decay of this entity began a reality. ”
Salami Turning to clashes Guard fought with Kurdish activists «counterrevolutionaries» in northwestern Iran, warning “the political authorities in northern Iraq should be the commitment of its commitments,” stressing that “the destruction of all points pose a threat to Iran without warning.” He stressed that “Iran, the land of men who Atvennon smashed bones of arrogant powers, and this Our message to everyone is heard, and the dawn of victory is near.
In addition, the commander of air defense forces, General Farzad Ismaili said that the advanced missiles «S-300» system Tehran received from Moscow, will enter service at the end of the Iranian year, which ends on March 20 (March).
Tens of thousands of Iranians on Friday, in marches «World Day of Jerusalem», in Tehran and other cities, and chanted «Death to Israel» and «Death to America». Written on cliques and put them on their heads demonstrators «I want to fight Israel», as some of them burned an American flag, while others trampled an Israeli flag.