Legal and oil and gas legislation, the Federal Court will deal with a lot of political crises

Legal representative: Legal and oil and gas legislation, the Federal Court will deal with a lot of political crises

Tuesday 28 June 2016 | 11:42

Legal and oil and gas legislation the Federal Court will deal with a lot of political crisesBAGHDAD / … confirmed the legal committee member of the parliamentary Zainab Sahlani, Tuesday, that the Federal Court and the oil and gas legal legislation will address a large part of the political crises in the country.

She Sahlani’s “Eye of Iraq News” that “the Federal Court and the oil and gas legal legislation will address a large part of the political crisis taking place in Iraq because of the constitutional and legal importance in resolving differences.”

“The deportation of important laws to several sessions led to the aggravation of the crisis in the country, and the case without reaching effective solutions to the crises plaguing the political scene between now and then.”

She explained Sahlani that “slough some quarters for responsibility positions through deportation laws and lack of legislation led to the aggravation of the situation , ” indicating that ” the deportation of those laws has postponed find real treatments for crises.” Ended 3