The United Nations is concerned about the clashes in Baghdad yesterday and calls for political forces to calm

The United Nations is concerned about the clashes in Baghdad yesterday and calls for political forces to calm

05/21/2016 16:55

The United Nations is concerned about the clashes in Baghdad yesterday and calls for political forces to calm[Where – Baghdad] The
United Nations has expressed its deep concern about the escalating clashes during demonstrations yesterday, and that once again targeted the Green Zone in Baghdad.
Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Iraq , Jan Kubis said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of “what happened on Friday shows how events can take a different turn, Vtaatsaad causing casualties.”
He added that ” the restoration of calm is a key factor Iraq, to be able to move forward in finding a political solution based on consultations involving everyone to resume the work of the class unified parliament for approval, without delay, to be able to reform and willing government, able to push forward reforms that will address the priorities and meet the challenges faced by the country and the people, first and foremost fight al Daash in one line. ”
he urged the Special Representative of the Secretary – General of the Iraqi political forces to engage immediately in a dialogue to calm the situation and the search for political solutions, he said , ” the enemies of Iraq only, led Daash, we are benefiting from the chaos. We are sure that Iraqi nationalists will not allow this to happen. ”
the demonstrators had stormed on Friday reiterated the green Zone with responded by security forces threw tear gas forced them to withdraw and imposed through the Baghdad operations command curfew continued for hours.
he accused Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, from he described as “infiltrators” in the stand behind the storming of the green Zone Friday and stressed that “what happened to break into the state institutions and tampering with public money can not accept it with the laxity of the perpetrators and that the law must take its course on each horseshoe.”
as Abadi called on “citizens and national political powers to togetherness and respond to conspiracies lurking Baathists allied with Aldoaash criminals and terrorists who are acting in the cities to the rhythm of discord between the citizens and the state , “.anthy