Barzani: We call a new resolve with Baghdad or be good neighbors
Barzani: We call a new resolve with Baghdad or be good neighbors
05.16.2016 16:29
[Wayne – Arbil]
The President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, a message on the occasion of the passage of 100 years , the Sykes – Picot agreement, in which he said that ” the Sykes – Picot died, and we decide our fate, either to stay on partnership with Iraq, or to be good neighbors “.
Said Massoud Barzani, in his message on the occasion of the centenary of the signing of the Sykes – Picot agreement, which has been on the basis of the Middle East division, “led to this Convention after the First World War to the fragmentation of the region, without taking the desire of the population and demographics of the region into consideration, and wronged people of the region, especially people of Kurdistan , very much. ”
He added , ” the result of this agreement tragic for the people of Kurdistan in the framework of the Iraqi state , first and foremost, in the state which was formed on the basis of partnership between the two nation – major , a Kurdish and Arabic, were ignored partnership, was the rhythm of the greatest tragedy and injustice and prejudice against the people of Kurdistan, by governments and the Iraqi regimes successive. ” Commenting
on this partnership said , ” the share of the people of Kurdistan from such a partnership, the [Onfelh] twelve thousand young Faili, and eight thousand Barzani, and 182,000 Kurdish citizens in Ckramaan and other areas, and the bombing of Halabja Eemiaoa, destruction 4500 village, and Arabisation, war and destruction and genocide. ”
he continued Barzani that” after the 1991 uprising, the people of Kurdistan tried to open a new page with the Iraqi government, and did not hasten to retaliate, but the Iraqi government has continued its violations, and after 2003 and the fall of the Baath regime, to make the people Kurdistan everything that has to build Iraq on the basis of partnership, democracy and federalism, and work to improve the situation in Iraq and in writing the constitution, to establish a partnership and consensus, but in fact is not the Constitution, and evaded the Iraqi government commitments, and violated the partnership, and cut strengthened the people of Kurdistan. ”
and about the outcome of the Convention, Barzani pointed out that “wars and disasters, instability and extremism, and the denial was a result of this agreement , which has spite of the region components, especially in Iraq, and since the installation of the Jabra Convention, did not enjoy the people of Kurdistan and Iraq and the region, peace and stability.”
He explained Barzani “practically Iraq is divided now, and sectarianism is a form of this division lines, it has breached Daash border and established a new Other in Iraq and Syria , and a lot of countries, and the people of Kurdistan is not responsible in any way for the current situation in Iraq, responsibility for this situation lies on the shoulders of the divided region, before a hundred years from now, as well as on the wrong policies of the rulers of the region and Baghdad, who tried to stabilize the force of arms, oppression, and did not succeed in that. ”
He said the President of Kurdistan” after a hundred years of division and struggle and suffering, try the people of Kurdistan all avenues, to maintain the unity of Iraq, and the state in its true sense, but it was to no avail, Sohkur come in this situation and tell us what to do after the people of Kurdistan, or what he had done for Iraq to remain united? In order to prevent war and instability and tragedy the other should be a review of the Sykes – Picot agreement, because of Iraq ‘s population can not afford the war and disputes and extremism anymore, you can not insist on repeating 100 years , other than the mistakes and atrocities, the international community and countries in the region must understand that it must return to the nature and the will and desire of the population of Iraq, to end the suffering of Iraq, and decides on the basis of that lifestyle and political future. ”
on parts of Kurdistan , the other which was divided because of the agreement to the countries of Turkey, Syria and Iran, Barzani said , ” about the fate of the Kurdish people in other parts, each one from other parts of the characteristics of a special and placed, and must solve the Kurdish issue in other peace and dialogue parts, according to the specificity of each part. ”
He went on saying , ” We must recognize the current reality, the concept of citizenship has not been achieved and no longer for within the meaning of sovereignty, and that the Sykes – Picot ended agreement, so States must and the international community, instead of defending the continued suffering of the people of Iraq as a responsibility hISTORIC can think of a realistic and real solution for Iraq and the region, otherwise it will continue wars, extremism and tragedies, and the risks to international peace and security. ”
He continued , ” in this difficult situation, in front of all the parties an opportunity hISTORIC to prevent disasters and suffering and not to repeat past experiences, I call on the centenary of the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the start of a serious dialogue between the KRG and Baghdad to find a new solution, and if the partnership did not work, let us be brothers and good neighbors. ”
on the position of the internal political parties of the referendum, said Barzani “If you wanted political parties, under various pretexts, evasion of responsibility in this historic opportunity, the people will be issued his decision, and that the decision of the people is stronger and more legitimate than any other decision, and certainly the people ‘s decision will be issued.”