Kurdish lawmaker accuses the Maliki-led “political game” to overthrow Balebadi

Kurdish lawmaker accuses the Maliki-led “political game” to overthrow Balebadi

Published on: 20-04-2016, 10:14

Kurdish lawmaker accuses the Maliki-led political game to overthrow BalebadiFollow-up / Sky Press: Areej al-Taie

President of the Kurdistan Islamic Union bloc in the Iraqi parliament Muthana Amin, Wednesday, stressed that what is happening now in the political arena is nothing but an internal political game, basically a party-Maliki and his group stands.

Amin said in an interview seen by “Sky Press,” I am, “I think that there are internal political game, what is happening now in the political arena is not an international game, because both the United States and Iran want to maintain the stability of Iraq at this stage.”

He added that “what is happening now is the weakness of Prime Minister center within the National Alliance, which has nominated,” pointing out that “since the first day of the nomination of the prime minister and now stands Maliki and his party against Abadi essential to foil an attempt.”

The Secretary that “there is a failure in the level of service, security and coexistence in everything, and this is what led to a deep resentment in the Arab street against this case, and the prime minister depends on this voice opposition to dismiss political figures from office, and the exercise of authoritarian power against the people who are appointed replace sacked. ”

A number of members of the House of Representatives held a sit, Tuesday the (12 April 2016), inside the parliament hall to protest the second ministerial cabin given by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and adjourn the meeting without a resolution of the cabinet reshuffle, as demanded dissolution of the Presidium of the parliament.

Several hundred followers of the Sadrist movement, in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad, demanding a comprehensive change and in support of the protesters deputies in the parliament hall.

It is noteworthy that the security of Baghdad, announced a stringent security measures to protect the capital, particularly at the entrances to Baghdad because of crossing a large number of citizens of other provinces in order to participate in the demonstrations.
