Obama doctrine .. halves friends!

Obama doctrine .. halves friends!

April 13, 2016

Obama doctrine - halves friendsUS President Barack Obama was not all that was brought by the management and advisers are convinced the real extent cooperation between the alliance America and the Gulf States! She wanted from the outset to approach Iran. He was in love with the idea, somewhat Alolh, fascinated by her to the point of addiction. It concluded a nuclear deal with Tehran, saying this achievement will be remembered historically been at the head of the gains of the presidential Hakpth. Certainly, that this era, and has achieved some economic success, but it did not achieve political success.
Catastrophic failure and outrageously in the region, in breach of the withdrawal of all American influence sites, evacuation arena for terrorists from Al-Qaeda and Daash, Hezbollah, and the remnants of Iran.
Obama’s recent dialogue, which revealed the political creed, it was clear, open and reveal their true mentality that cert Obama over the previous two states, the United States has reached a low popularity levels; failed in the Syrian issue, and in the Arab revolutions, and in almost all political files.
Interview magazine «Atlantic» stunts with Obama in which he spoke simply that the area should be divided between the Gulf states and Iran, and disdained Arabia, considering it as such passengers free of many requirements and it is, in this regard responded, Prince Turki al-Faisal information to refute Obama claimed; Saudi Arabia is not the passengers free of charge, but an effective contribution to the crises in the region, and a partner to major countries in the world to combat terrorism, and contributed to curb the negative effects of the Arab revolutions, and dismissed from the budget of billions of dollars for the needy in Afghanistan three decades, and also extinguished the fires of wars in various regions of the world.
Turki al-Faisal said: «We gave our troops from the coalition in order to be more effective in the extermination of the terrorists.
We took the initiative to provide military, political and humanitarian support for the Yemeni people, to regain his country from the clutches of the criminal militia rebels; that tried, with the support of the Iranian leadership, the occupation of Yemen, and without asking American forces.
We are who we established an alliance of more than thirty Muslim country, to fight the entire spectrum of terrorism in the world. We are the largest donor of humanitarian activities that sponsor the Syrians, Yemenis and Iraqi refugees.
The ministers Foreigtk and thank your defense, publicly, on several occasions, the joint cooperation between our two countries.
The ministry praised the closet, several times, the Saudi action to curb any funding can be up to terrorists ». Commenting on the interview, cited commentator in The Washington Post, Daniel W. Dersnr «five ideas» summed through which most surprised him in the interview, which is short: «Obama does not respect the workers in foreign policy, Obama has not respected the least of Arab leaders in the Middle East, there few Donald Trump in Barack Obama, said that the biggest failures of the Obama foreign policy is domestic in nature, America’s force for good ».
Obama boasted retracting hit the Assad regime, and spoke about the need to stop the «political doctrine in American foreign» which is based on the defense of Saudi Arabia, saying Osatilh not moving except for the suppression of terrorism as he claims, or defend Israel against a possible nuclear attack.
Obama wants to be a coup going on in the White House against the historical ties, economic and political dimensions. Notice all the Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia, since the encounter «Camp David» Gulf, began to rely on themselves, fighting a war on their own diplomatic and Bmrouhyatea, establish alliances and deter adversaries, may be America’s case this is good for us, that we continue to balance the political and security Aoasfna to protect our borders, and the well-being of our people, betting on «Eisenhower principle» the defensive about Saudi Arabia makes us more lax.
America’s withdrawal and denial is not the end of the world, but a good start for the Gulf States, self-reliance, knowledge of true friends, from the half-friends!
Turki al-Dakhil
