Urgent Source: al – Jubouri , will resign at an urgent meeting of the three presidencies evening

Urgent Source: al – Jubouri , will resign at an urgent meeting of the three presidencies evening

13.04.2016 17:35

Urgent Source - al - Jubouri  will resign at an urgent meeting of the three presidencies evening[Oan- Baghdad]
revealed a parliamentary source said that an urgent meeting be held for the three presidencies Wednesday evening to discuss the crisis cabinet reshuffle and invite a representative to resolve presidencies.
The source told all of Iraq [where] that “Parliament Speaker Salim al – Jubouri , will present during the meeting to resign from office, but would be required that the President Fuad Masum and Prime Minister Haidar al – Abbadi submit their resignations as well as they all came one agreement.”
Parliament held on Wednesday an emergency session feet where 172 deputies signed a request to dissolve presidencies Althelat.anthy 14
