This is the “only” requirement established by the Kurds in exchange for their vote on the new ministerial cabin

This is the “only” requirement established by the Kurds in exchange for their vote on the new ministerial cabin

Views: 1607 Published on: 10-04-2016, 13:36

This is the only requirement established by the Kurds in exchange for their vote on the new ministerial cabinBAGHDAD / Sky Press: Areej al-Taie

Kurdistan Alliance MP Said capable, Sunday, vote for Kurds revealed next Tuesday on the new ministerial cabin provided that includes genuine participation, which represents 20%

Saeed said in an interview with “Sky Press,” that “there will be a new ministerial cabins next Tuesday,” pointing out that “the names provided by Abadi will be switched mostly by the parliamentary blocs.”

He added that “so far, the Kurds are candidates did not provide alternatives, but on Tuesday there will be changes,” stressing that “the Kurdistan Alliance will vote on the new ministerial cabin as it includes genuine participation component Kurdi, a 20%” no three ministers among the 16 ministers “.

He said that “It is possible to waive the Kurds from the Ministry of Finance in the Ministry if they receive another sovereign.”

The Abadi presented Thursday (31-3-2016) ministerial lineup is composed of 14 minister to the House of Representatives to vote on them, knowing that some of the candidates withdrew their candidacy and others have been rejected by the parliamentary committees reasons of party affiliation precedent.

It indicated that the Liberal parliamentary bloc, demanded the Presidency of the Council of Representatives on Tuesday to allocate a session to vote on the new ministerial cabin given by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, called upon to broadcast the meeting live.