Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-4-16
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-4-16
4-4-2016 Newshound Guru Millionday Article quotes: “The Iraqi Parliament officially opened, yesterday, all doors for international relief to help rehabilitate and reconstruct infrastructure of cities liberated from Daesh’s upper-hand.” “The cabinet voted a few days before UN Secretary General Ban Kimoon, President of the World Bank Jim Yong Kim and President of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmed Mohammed Ali had paid a visit to Iraq. The bank leaders announced granting 250 million dollars in financial aid for reinstating stability in freed zones.” THE WORLD BANK—THE UN—THE IMF HAS MET WITH PARLIAMENT ACCORDING TO REPORTS. THIS IS THE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PROJECTS OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND REBUILD — THIS IS MASSIVE — THE REBUILD BEING FUNDED — FINALLY… GLOBAL HUMNITARIAN HELP FOR REBUILD… SO OBVIOUSLY A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT TO SAY THE LEAST…WHOOOPOW.
4-4-2016 Newshound Guru wmawhite …the Kurds wanted 20% of the new cabinet (GOI) positions. PM Abadi’s list had the Kurds filling 2 positions…the Kurds ALWAYS never agree to anything until after the deadline has passed. P.S…20% of 16 ministers is 3.2…IMO, Abadi knew this was coming and it will be a process that he (Abadi) is extremely good at doing.
4-3-2016 Newshound Guru wmawhite [so you’re thinking the IQD will be international but just may not be exchangeable in all countries at first.] The IQD is international today. However, it is not accepted throughout the world’s inter-bank system because of several factors that Iraq is correcting today. Once Iraq moves into full compliance of Article 8, bank/countries will be quicker to trade/exchange use it. [How long do you think it will be before they finish correcting these last few issues for Article 8?] The IMF opinion is much more reliable than mine and they told the world that they expect Iraq to enter the world economy market during the 1st half of 2016…I read that statement as the answer to your question…the IMF actually stated that Iraq “will”…did not read as “guess”…I feel great about what is happening…I expect over the next couple to few weeks more huge news about the CBI…the monetary reforms…the IQD. Will it be exactly what so many are looking for…don’t know, but IMO what we want is coming our way.
4-3-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 You can sense that the Monetary Reform is going forward smoothly now… I didn’t agree with last year’s expectations of an RV, because although the IMF gave Iraq the “Green Light” they told Abadi to “get his act together,” and left him on his own. Without US support, and with the same corrupt ministers, ISIS, oil prices crashing and Iranian influence, Abadi didn’t get very far. But, then things changed. Finally, the PTB stepped in – all in. And they do have a lot of control over the MR. We can saw them influencing Iraq through the LOI [Letter of Intent] and now the loans. This is a change. Also, the IMF prefers April for RVs. When I saw the LOI with the IMF, troops in full combat to take back Mosul, and the PTB pushing the reforms every way they could including the Clerics, I felt that finally, now, the PTB think its a go. So I do too.
4-3-2016 Newshound Guru wmawhite Interesting that there are many groups/entities surfacing that are not just in Iraq, but they are from many other countries; ready to do business with Iraq…this why I continue to believe that the first evidence of this manifesting will come from Iraq’s regional business partners.
4-3-2016 Newshound Guru Breitling Is Iraq’s currency recognized internationally? Absolutely it is. Every country’s currency is recognized internationally. It goes back to, “Is the currency a scam on any level at all?” No, it’s a countries currency. We can speculate if it’s going to up or down in value. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. Iraq simply wants to get is currency back to the value it had before…They have to stage it correctly to do that…they just can’t throw numbers around…they can ruin their own economy if they pull the trigger too fast.
4-3-2015 Newshound Guru rcookie iraqi economic forum launches sunday night…in amman jordan…attendees included unions…organizations and boards of private sector both inside and outside of iraq…iraqi national business council in jordan…iraqi national business council and council of iraqi work in abu dhabi…and iraqi council of lebanese businessmen as well as iraqi council in britain…. wow!!… wow!!.. wow!!
4-3-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 …PM Abadi authorized the Kurdish faction in the Iraqi parliament to send the list of their candidates for ministerial positions in the new cabinet… THIS MEANS THAT ERBIL AND BAGHDAD HAVE A POLITICAL AGREEMENT IN PLACE…ABADI DID NOT DARE PLAY CHICKEN ON THIS ONE WITH ERBIL…THE CLOCK IS TICKING AND ABADI IS ON THE HOT SEAT… VERY GOOD NEWS!