Sadr ends green picket and threaten to escalate if it does not pass a new cabin [Extended]

Sadr ends green picket and threaten to escalate if it does not pass a new cabin [Extended]

Posted, 01/4/2016 19:16

Sadr ends green picket and threaten to escalate if it does not pass a new cabin[Oan- Baghdad]
ended cleric Moqtada al – Sadr , the sit -in in front of the Green Zone after the submission of the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi cabins and a new cabinet today to the House of Representatives.
Sadr said in a speech televised from inside his tent in the Green Zone ” , we were picking the fruits of what we do from the popular protests as Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi courage again step after the first and steadfast in the third state , where the announcement of a comprehensive cabins ministerial today except the ministries of interior and defense to put between the hands of the House of Representatives to be voted on. ”
Sadr ‘s move” promised one of the fruit of the sit – ins and protests , which lasted a few days ago , “stressing that parliamentary approval for the candidates” after confirming the safety of their attitude of integrity, accountability and justice to be approved them by the House of Representatives within 10 days , no more . ”
He noted , ” we will continue peaceful demonstrations , rallies after every Friday prayer in all the provinces of Iraq and all of its place to put pressure on MPs to vote on this ministerial cabin which we hope will be far away from the party ‘s authority and the party of power. ”
He called his followers to” end their sit -in in front of the area gates green said: with super thanks and appreciation to you and I have honored us and you withdraw organizer and bid farewell to the security forces remote and not to approach the area of the heavily fortified final and committed orders and renew our thanks for its security forces and that any attack on them is an attack on me . ”
he called on the leader of the Sadrist movement , ” the political blocs to take responsibility national and transcendence for the special interests and consider the public interest and the dimensions of the political differences for the completion of the national project for reform, particularly that Iraq would be in the highest levels of risk if they do not pay attention to the situation. ”
Sadr said , ” if there is no vote on the ministerial cabin , we will be obliged to freeze the work of the Liberal bloc and call on everyone, particularly the block Liberal to withdraw its ministers and their resignations immediately from this government which sympathizes with the spoilers and we are shifting from the [commodities] to [commodity gouge] will be following our project to withdraw confidence from the prime minister and his booth cabinet with the rest of the blocks that you want the public good and that you want to get away from the factional interests and partisan. ”