Government sources: reshuffle of Ebadi will be in three phases

Government sources: reshuffle of Ebadi will be in three phases

30.03.2016 at 12:44 (Baghdad time)

Government sources - reshuffle of Ebadi will be in three phasesSpecial scales News
Government sources revealed on Wednesday that the upcoming cabinet reshuffle announced by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will be in three stages.
The sources told / balances News /, said that “al-Abadi plans to conduct cabinet reshuffle in three phases,” noting that “the first phase starting from, tomorrow, Thursday.” Without giving further details on the last two stages.
The sources attributed the reason to, that “some ministers refuse to leave their posts.”
It is said that the Prime Minister will present on Thursday, the cabinet reshuffle before the House Alnwab.anthy
From: Inam Amaury