Ban Ki-moon and Director of the International Monetary Fund and attend the parliament session on Saturday

Ban Ki-moon and Director of the International Monetary Fund and attend the parliament session on Saturday

March 22, 2016

Ban Ki-moon and Director of the International Monetary Fund and attend the parliament session on SaturdayHe said the House of Representatives decision of Imad Youkhana, Tuesday, that the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and the head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, will attend the Council session to be held on Saturday, describing the visit as “historic.”

Said Youkhana in a press statement that “the House of Representatives hearing that will be held next Saturday will witness the presence of the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and the head of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde,” explaining that “the aim of the visit and to attend the meeting is to discuss political, security and economic situation in Iraq and the region

He added that “it is possible that Iraq Asthsal good amounts during the visit, from the fund to support the Iraqi economy, as well as displaced people and the reconstruction of areas affected by terrorism”, calling at the same time the visit as “historic.”