With «ally» like Obama, you do not need enemies!

With «ally» like Obama, you do not need enemies!

March 20, 2016

With ally like Obama you do not need enemiesWith «ally» like Obama, you do not need enemies!
I imagine Vladimir Putin was sitting in his office in the Kremlin reads a translation of an interview with Barack Obama, the magazine «The Atlantic». Putin will get amazed and happy at the same time of this Positions fired by a US president is filed leadership, leaving behind a legacy of mistrust, not to say hostility, by the traditional allies of the United States, added to the gains provided by the policies of the opponents traditionalists, led by Russia, the Middle East and around the world.
The Russian president does not hide his joy Obama’s presence in the White House, like a gift obtained by Russia in the most difficult of her time. Where Obama does not dare to intervene and interfere Putin imposes conditions and then picking the fruit. It calls on the US President to reconsider the traditional American policy of the institution, which was based on gaining the confidence of allies, stir panic among opponents, Putin Vigdaa opportunity to intervene where allies Russia needs to intervene, but to spread panic, where Moscow’s opponents.
Obama criticizes in his military interventions. US president says his policies justified: «throwing bombs just to prove you’re capable of bombing is the worst reasons for the use of force». This is the argument on which the Obama being turned in all arenas of confrontation, where he was supposed to stand on his feet, as does the head of a superpower.
This is a retreat that allowed Putin to remove Russia from a node to collapse that hit after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. This dissociation, described by Putin, who was the spoiled son of the Soviet era and his intelligence, that «the biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century». From this conviction was launched Putin is trying to restore Russia’s bygone glory. What was not possible in the time of George W. Bush became available in the era of Obama. Putin interfered in Ukraine and impose a new map on the eastern parts in defiance of the central government in Kiev, then cut into the Crimea, and adds to Russia, in what looks like the feet of Hitler’s annexation of Austria to Germany. Obama has not lifted a finger.
Putin intervenes in Syria to save Bashar al-Assad, who has already identified Obama’s schedule for his departure and draw red lines to the end of his reign, before he rebuffed again arguing that America will lose its intervention in Syria more than they would achieve the gains, he said in his interview to Jeffrey Goldberg. The massacres committed by Bashar al-Assad in Syria, hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries did not pose any incentive for Obama to stop this massacre, even for purely humanitarian reasons, if not calculated account political interests.
Obama bet that Putin’s intervention is a sign of weakness, as bet that Putin will sink in the Syrian quagmire. I did not get anything from this. On the contrary. Here is Putin announces partial withdrawal from Syria and then threatens that he is able to come back when he wants, and receives his officers and soldiers returning medals victory. With the sinking of the Syrian quagmire is Obama, who became the repeated commitments of the Syrian opposition into a mockery, and its commitments to its allies in doubt, after both their accusations and campaigns do not hear in the region, but on the lips of Iran and the media «reluctance» funded.
Thus, the Russian intervention in Syria ended with the imposition of a new political and military equation in this country. Moscow has now become the biggest player there, in her decision on the survival of Bashar al-Assad in power, and in her ability to impose price they want to exchange for facilitating his release. As Obama begging for an understanding with the Russians, as evidenced by the visit of a request from Foreign Minister John Kerry do to Moscow this week. As for Obama’s allies in the region Velsan their situation today: If Obama allies out of class, we do not need enemies.
Elias Harfouch
