Moscow surprised Washington accused Tehran of September 11 attacks

Moscow surprised Washington accused Tehran of September 11 attacks

3/19/2016 0:00

Moscow surprised Washington accused Tehran of September 11 attacksCapitals – Agencies
spokeswoman said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Maria Zakharova said on Friday that Moscow was surprised by the New York court ‘s decision , which Iran has accused it of involvement in the events of September 11 , 2001, said Zakharova: «I can only talk about things that seemed amazing already, we are talking for the US judiciary, in particular the indictment announced by the southern district federal court in New York , the involvement of Iran attacks of September 11 ». She Zakharova: « This raises my surprise, it means what the Americans are doing in Afghanistan for over 15 years, if Iran were responsible for everything?», And continued to say that «it is absurd to some extent it can be assumed that there is a confusion between Iran and Afghanistan », pointing out that the court« either were not aware of the Security Council resolutions, and either went there by mistake 15 years ago ».
the US court, confirmed the involvement of Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon on September 11 , 2001 attacks, by basing judge New York federal court, George Daniels, a 6 court documents, and the court issued a ruling last week fined Iran billions of dollars in compensation to the families of the victims, and insurance companies , which bore the financial damage «to Tehran ‘s role in facilitating the task of carrying out terrorist attacks», according to the court, and showed documents that Iran «facilitated transmission of al – Qaeda operatives to the training camps in Afghanistan, which was necessary for the success of the attacks, also proved that the Iranian government has issued orders to the border monitors not to put stamps on the passports of the perpetrators, to facilitate the movement of operations », showed American documents that« Imad Mughniyeh (who was later assassinated in Damascus), one of the leaders of Hezbollah, visited ports in October 2000, and coordinated their travel to Iran passports new travel to secure their movements before executing processes ».
According to the US judicial sources that« the accused parties in the case , including 6 figures , including Iran ‘s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Minister of intelligence Ali Fallahian, the deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Brigadier General Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr », sources said that« compensation imposed on Iran is slated to exceed $ 21 billion », stressing that the Iranian funds in US banks is not enough to pay the compensation.