A government statement: all ministers are ready to leave their posts and stand with Abadi on reform

A government statement: all ministers are ready to leave their posts and stand with Abadi on reform

Published on: 16/03/2016, 10:57

A government statement - all ministers are ready to leave their posts and stand with Abadi on reformBAGHDAD / Sky Press: Mary finest
Cabinet, announced Wednesday, is ready and his ministers left their posts and stand with the President of the Council Haider al-Abadi on reforms that offer them.

The cabinet said in a statement received “Sky Press,” that “at a time when the Council of Ministers declared to continue the process of reforms and support the reformist approach which goes Speaker Haider al-Abadi, the Council of Ministers and all his ministers confirms its response to the responsibility entrusted to him with the willingness of his ministers to leave their posts Higher interest and that their work is in order to perform a public service to the citizen and the country and they are with any move offers them the Prime Minister in the comprehensive reforms which the oldest file. ”

He added that “there are significant challenges faced current government and the most important of the war against terrorism that occupied one-third of Iraq and the liberation of large areas of the territory and the continued momentum of these victories despite a significant collapse in oil prices and the volume of financial and administrative corruption substantial slack in state institutions and the difficulties faced by the industry and agriculture services and other despite these challenges, the government duties in the beginning strategies and plans for the development of these sectors, noting that it “has seen a gradual improvement emerged and the results will appear soon.”

He said the Council, said that “the march of reform and put the country on the right track and moving everyone to stand with them and aware of the magnitude of the challenges facing Iraq and the agreement on the reform steps through dialogue and understanding, without imposing one’s will.”

He said he “bears are jointly responsible to maintain the Constitution and public order and preserve the lives and interests of citizens and the restructuring of the State properly, including the appointment of a permanent professional figures in the independent bodies.”

He called al-Abadi, on Tuesday, the committee charged with developing a comprehensive reform programs and consider the selection of candidates for senior positions to choose a team that can make adjustments “substantial” in the economic and administrative infrastructure and reform “cumulative errors,” while the accused parties he did not identify of trying to “drop everything” in Iraq.

The cleric Moqtada al-Sadr called on Saturday (12 March 2016), the demonstrators to start sit-open in front of the Green Zone gates until the deadline for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi end to implement the reforms which the 45 days, as pointed out that the sit-in starts from next Friday after returning to the organizing committee.
