This plan Abadi alternative in the event of failure of the implementation of fundamental change

This plan Abadi alternative in the event of failure of the implementation of fundamental change

Views: 3437 Published on: 15/03/2016, 14:27

This plan Abadi alternative in the event of failure of the implementation of fundamental changeBAGHDAD / Sky Press: Mary finest
Political source revealed early Tuesday for the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, to study other options, serves as a plan “B” in the event of failure to implement radical change.

The source told “Sky Press,” “Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi was studying alternative plan with some close advisors very him in order to pre-empt his failure to conduct a fundamental and comprehensive change in the government his booth,” noting that “the expected changes will face great difficulties during the stages passed, within the legislative Council. ”

The source, who requested anonymity, said that “al-Abadi alternative plan boils withdraw confidence from the nine ministers, and thirteen-sufficiency and a minister in the cabin, in order to satisfy Tcheragaha angry people.”

The Information Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi revealed earlier, the text of the document comprehensive reforms ministerial amendment, which has sent the political blocs, noting that the document include a roadmap detailed for the next stage and the criteria for selecting ministers “technocrats” Council and evaluate the performance of ministries and the fight against corruption.

He called the cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, earlier, his followers to sit in front of the Green Zone gates until the end of the 45-day deadline, which are only 13 days left of them since Sadr’s declaration given to the government, considering not participating in the protest, which called him a victory for “Category stray misleading. ”

The MP for the National Alliance Haitham al-Jubouri said earlier that the government wants to appear in a new guise to cover up for their failure and inability to provide anything for citizens and for people to forget all that and preoccupied with the upcoming new government, while noting that it were not for devotional any clear vision on cabinet reshuffle.

The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi student, in the (February 20, 2016), the House of Representatives authorized the year to change the ministerial cabin completely and the formation of other cabins in accordance with the “professional competence”, as called for political blocs to waive electoral maturity for the “best interests of the country.”