Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-10-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-10-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-10-2016 Intel Guru Delta They have to find a solution to overcome their financial problems. That solution is to change the value and go international. This is the only way. Iraq is going to surprise the world a lot of people that never would have expected it. This will happen in the still of the night. The ONLY SOLUTION is to change the rate…lift the 3 zeros. Looks like something really big is about to happen. I do believe they are done 100%.

3-10-2016 Newshound Guru wmawhite …IMO…they are at the door ready to step through…”the adoption of mechanisms…”. They know they are about ready, now they are about to adopt/do the procedures/mechanisms. IMO…this has been underway…in the process prior to when the IMF told the world that Iraq “will” enter the economy market during the 1st half of 2016.

3-10-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 There is an article that says that Maliki will resign. That is NOT true. Maliki is NOT retiring. It’s all flack.

3-10-2016 Newshound Guru wmawhite Iraq/GOI/CBI continue to build a consensus throughout the Middle East that Iraq will have a solid financial system…meaning when Iraq enters the “markets” there will be NO hesitation on the part of the financial community to do business with Iraq…UNLIKE Iran…and if anyone ever wanted it in plain English look at paragraph #19 and #20 in the Technical Letter of Agreement. Those paragraphs scream the move to Article 8. Those paragraphs even state “Artilce 8″…the move to Article 8 is the Good House Keeping Seal of Approval to the world’s financial community. The next challenge will be the actual exchange process and where that will take place. This will be uncharted territory.

3-10-2016 Newshound Guru Tlar IMO parliament will rubber stamp the new technocrats the first time Abadi presents them which most likely is this Friday. The blocks have presented their choices already but unknown to them Abadi has his own list choose by the British. …if Keywords is replaced, Shabibi is the likely candidate. I think Shabibi will be asked and Shabibi will accept and Keywords will take a position below Shabibi. I have to believe the IMF is calling the shots and the only Iraqi truly qualified is Shabibi as well as they know and trust him. Shabibi put the ship on course and Shabibi will be the one to dock it even if it is only to see his project through. For Shabibi to do this, Maliki will have to be gone.

3-10-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 I feel really good about one thing. That Dr. Shabibi has been there since the start and to the end…Name a country where the UN, BIS, IMF is working with them in their country right now. Iraq is almost fearless now in talking about their reforms…and the monetary reform is one of them. Iraq said they are going to join the world with their INTERNATIONAL stock market.

3-9-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 [The first time I read the article …about the IQD going international (to the stock market) I thought that was really amazing.] Yes, I fell off my chair when I saw that. They said they were going to put their currency in a stock into the world’s stock market arena. That’s mean they will be INTERNATIONAL.

3-9-2016 Newshound Guru firefly […do you think they will come out at a fix rate first or float it from the beginning..?] …it will or should come out at a certain rate and cannot fluctuate more than 2% up or down.

3-9-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 We need to watch the battle field (Mosul)…When this battle is over…IMO…then you will see Abadi announce a new governor of the CBI. I’d like Shabibi to be the governor of the CBI…because he is. He was never officially replaced. I just don’t know if he officially wants to come back. So…who is the governor of the CBI? (Dr. Shabibi…IMO). Who is the proxy governor of the CBI? (Alak). Alak was given ONE YEAR as acting governor of the CBI…and that ended Nov. 2, 2015…Dr. Shabibi is there. Keyword has been replaced…and they don’t even talk about it. Dr. Shabibi…(drumroll)…is with the DFI’s…and attending all secret meetings along with the CBI. The United Nations and the BIS is also there. They are actually in Kurdistan – but that’s close enough. Iraq must stop using MULTIPLE CURRENCIES. They cannot enter an INTERNATIONAL platform using multiple currencies. They’ve got about 3 weeks, I think.

3-9-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 They (news articles) are saying that the local currency (IQD) is going to be used to invest in GLOBAL STOCKS. When do you plan on doing that? Give me Mosul. Would the GLOBAL STOCKS happen to be OIL? (yes). Can you say INTERNATIONAL? The #1 way that they are telling you that their currency will change is because they talk of it being in INTERNATIONAL markets. Do you think any market is going to allow them to do that on a program rate? TA-DA! They are describing the terms of ARTICLE 8. They will use the international trade markets — (sounds like a float). If they do FLOAT the IQD that means that we will be able to use the IQD in an international world! That’s basic economics 101. They are now ready to trade in INTERNATIONAL WORLD TRADE MARKETS!

3-9-2016 Intel Guru Delta The CBI website (Arabic site) they updated the Arabic site and took the 50 dinar note off. The English site is not updated yet. I got some confirmation on the process to move into Article 8. There is a high delegation of officials from the World Bank the UN and the BIS coming (or already are in Iraq) – they will be working behind closed doors. When Iraq follows their instructions from the IMF…and they are approved…it goes to the BIS… and they give the final approval. They then send a letter to the IMF and Iraq that they are approved. Iraq must be completely compliant to Basel III. They finished the calculations on their math. We got confirmation…everything is done…everything is ready. Something big is going to happen. Iraq is very close to showing Article 8 to the world. We don’t have a date/rate, but its coming. They are ready to go. We believe that something good is going to happen. All of these big players will be in Iraq in March.