Urgent source prime minister’s [where]: Abadi handed blocs standards of cabinet reshuffle

Urgent source prime minister’s [where]: Abadi handed blocs standards of cabinet reshuffle

Posted, 3.10.2016 21:41

Urgent source prime ministers - Abadi handed blocs standards of cabinet reshuffle[Oan- Baghdad]
A source in the prime minister for the delivery of Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi political blocs standards reshuffle approach.
The source told all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, “it was the distribution of the blocks and document comprehensive reforms and the amendment and ministerial standards and mechanisms with filtration is complete , this document contains a summary of its implementation and the methodology of work of the government and improve financial management and CG voluntary.”
He said this document , “where ten files , was the first in the ministerial principles and the second criteria for selecting a cabinet of technocrats and third evaluation model biographies of the candidates , the post of the Minister and the fourth the role of government ministers and the fifth evaluation of the performance of ministries, sixth and document the criteria for selecting candidates for senior positions. ”
the source added that the ” seventh file is a simplification of government procedures and eighth anti – corruption and the ninth government program, according to the reforms and X – conditioning of the government program in the light of this document. ”
the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi said this evening that ” we will carry out cabinet reshuffle essential soon and we’ll show ministers the names of professionals and qualified to fill the portfolios covered by the change , according to constitutional frameworks, including confirms political partnership between the components of the people and its legitimate representatives. ”
said Ali Keywords National Alliance MP and close associate of the prime minister said al – Abadi negotiations with blocs on the cabinet reshuffle has reached a conclusion.”
he said Keywords for [where] ” The prime minister will hold final meetings with the leaders of the National Alliance and the presidencies of the three political blocs to resolve the situation on the Ministerial change during the coming period
referred to Umm President Fuad Masum said that ” the call for a government of technocrats not meaning to be a minister from outside to participate in the political process , political parties and has many members in the parliament , ” .anthy 14
