British report reveals the existence of 31 thousand pregnant women within the ranks of Daash

British report reveals the existence of 31 thousand pregnant women within the ranks of Daash

Published on: 08/03/2016, 12:12

British report reveals the existence of 31 thousand pregnant women within the ranks of DaashFollow-up / Sky Press: Areej al-Taie

Revealed British report, issued recently, the presence of more than 31,000 pregnant women within the ranks of the terrorist Daash, and is the process of preparing the long – term these children to grow up on an extremist ideology based on indoctrination.

The report added that “Daash sees children bolder and deadlier than adult fighters as combatants, and that rather than try to change the thought of fighters to adopt fundamentalist thought, Fcol these children a blank page can now teach them the principles of violence since birth, and so that makes it brutal is palatable, works organization on encourage practices such as encouraging children to play football intradermal heads cut off. ”

British report noted that “children learn from Daash curricula extremely harsh, and regulates adult them training on extremism, including shooting and martial arts and the use of various weapons, and called on girls within the organization name« Lali Caliphate State », all of them veiled, and confined their role to home affairs, education and care being the husband. ”

For its part, it reported Nikita Malik, senior researcher at the Quilliam Foundation as “being now and in the industry regulator for the new generation of militants,” adding that “the fact carrying 31 thousand women within the organization suggests that it’s not random in any way, what happens is the process of a long preparation range for these children to grow up on an extremist ideology based on indoctrination. ”

Malik added that “the important results that we have about the reason for creating such an army is that children’s minds completely blank page, they lack the cognitive capacity and the ability to make decisions, and therefore easily attract as easy severity can be formed to do anything.”

The report, published part of the newspaper «The Guardian» that “Daash opens what looks like a new wing in which these children are subject to the memorization of daily beliefs and rules, considering them as a (white paper pure) and a copy is much better than the current fighters in the ranks of the organization, because these children were brought up since a young age and imbibed the ideas of the organization from an early age, and thus is expected to turn into a fortified copy of elements Daash least at the level of extremist ideas. ”