Abadi’s office [where]: Can not a reshuffle, without the consent of the political blocs

Abadi’s office [where]: Can not a reshuffle, without the consent of the political blocs

17/2/2016 18:16

Abadis office - Can not a reshuffle without the consent of the political blocs[Special Oan-]
The Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi importance of supporting the political blocs in parliament for a cabinet reshuffle, adding that without secure the consent of the political blocs and support new mechanism of change that the prime minister intends to do the process to name a new worthless candidates.
A spokesman for the office, Saad al-Hadithi told all of Iraq [where], “I will not be edited or cabinet reshuffle surprise, not flags, and in all cases, the process will not only be done through the parliament and there is no specific date to do so that the process is linked to the approval of the political blocs in parliament, and if it has the approval will submit Prime Minister the names of its candidates for change and it is not so far without agreement with the blocks so must their consent and then discuss the details or the names of candidates to fill ministerial posts. ”
he added that” without secure the consent of the political blocs and support for the mechanism of the new change is intended to be the prime minister to do by the process of declaration of the names of no value, and the result has to be to go to parliament to exempt minister and appoint another in his place, so without access to support blocs in the Declaration of parliament names will not change anything in reality. ”
He pointed newborn” there is a meeting between Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi with the chairman of the board Salim al-Jubouri, the House of Representatives, and kissed him with the National Alliance, the largest bloc in parliament with the motionless rest of the blocks to see how their desire to cooperate with the Ibadi and support the process of change, which declared its willingness to do it. ”
He explained that” the blocks and the Prime Minister that they came to the conclusion that the parliament blocs serious his support actively in this change, and when it goes to parliament to ask the names of candidates will be talking about the details of the change is the next step. ”
He continued, spokesman Abadi office” when the Prime Minister wants to change the minister or ministers be after a certain evaluation of the performance of these ministries, “adding that” the process change does not mean by any minister or any political party represented by “pointing out that” the prime minister believes that the current phase of exceptional stage and circumstances are not normal or routine therefore must be a mechanism to deal with it is also exceptional and mechanisms of action of the former ministers chosen were subject to political affiliations and the Prime Minister believes that this mechanism is no longer useful and is not feasible at this stage. ”
said Sabri” at the level of the government reform program and the restructuring of the Iraqi economy and to overcome the financial crisis experienced by the country in order to establish a sound basis for the management of state institutions as well as the administrative and financial side, they need to harmonious team, is the adoption of professional standards by choosing academics and people with the competence of the experts and technocrats who have experience in certain areas have them brought not chosen on the basis of political affiliations. ”
and that” this team harmonious can go ahead and quickly towards the reform and restructuring of the Iraqi economy and overcome the financial crunch the selection on political grounds, it will slow down the reform process and hinder the desire of the Prime Minister to build a sound economic system in the country. ”
He pointed out,” that when we say that a fundamental and radical change we mean that this matter should be framed on the level of the new selection, “noting” There is no specific number of the change of ministers at this stage and we are talking here about the general principle of change and when then are accepted can talk about the details regarding the number of ministers who Ciecmlhm change and ministries that will change it. ”
the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, reiterated Monday , his determination to make a cabinet reshuffle “substantial destruction,” warning that ignoring the political blocs and the parliament so it means entering into them struggle. ”
as Abadi expressed his willingness to offer his resignation if the change was comprehensive.
and called for political blocs to the inclusion Abadi government change if the change on the basis of technocrats rather than political quota system.
he explained a spokesman for the office of Prime Minister Saad al-Hadithi’s [where] that “the search for changing the ministerial cab from the prime minister’s powers and supports the approval of the House of Representatives The search for the replacement of the prime minister is the prerogative of parliament, not the prime minister himself.” .
