Commission:: we will check the validity of news increased the dollar by hosting the Central Bank Governor

Deputy of the Economic Commission:: we will check the validity of news increased the dollar by hosting the Central Bank Governor

2016/1/27 8:53

Commission - we will check the validity of news increased the dollar by hosting the Central Bank Governor{Baghdad: Euphrates News} for economic and investment commission in Parliament has said it will be achieved by hosting the Central Bank of the province for news Traded increase the price of the dollar.
Said committee member Najiba Najib told {Euphrates News} that “the economic and investment commission will host in the coming sessions Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, to inquire about the children increase the dollar, and the fact that the currency be greater than the revenue the sale, and all the respect in the exchange rate.”
She pointed out “The Committee will discuss with the central bank’s procedures in support of the Federal Government to overcome the financial crisis that hit the country to coincide with the fall in world oil prices,” indicating that “the Commission will brief the forty-work of the Central Bank as well.”
Reports indicated that, of the Committee on Parliamentary economy will host next week’s central bank governor Ali relations through the Council of Representatives Almqublh.anthy 1