Badr: Tiger execution will not go unpunished and Saudi Arabia opened the gates of hell itself

Badr: Tiger execution will not go unpunished and Saudi Arabia opened the gates of hell itself

2016/1/2 14:56

Badr - Tiger execution will not go unpunished and Saudi Arabia opened the gates of hell itself[Baghdad – where]
Badr bloc in Parliament, said that the feet of Saudi Arabia on the execution cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, “a major crime will not pass without punishment.”
Said block head Qassim al-Araji, said in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where], a copy of “the execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr major crime will not go unpunished and will vibrating Imad Arabia power brute in Riyadh,” adding that “the killing of innocent people and religious scholars by the Saud without guilt and just violating opinion, this is a flagrant violation of human rights and freedom of opinion and expression.
“He added that” Saudi Arabia has opened itself the gates of hell to execute Tiger “, noting that” the end of the ruling Al-Saud is close.
“He called al-Araji, the Iraqi government and the Foreign Ministry to” severance of diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia immediately and not import any goods from a Saudi-making.
“He asked al-Araji, for” the position to be taken by the United Nations and the UN Security Council about this horrible crime and the murder of a cleric and a large code in Saudi Arabia, “stressing” the importance of taking the position of Arab and Islamic firm about Saudi Arabia and to impose economic and political sanctions even be a lesson to those who take it.
“Saudi Arabia was announced on Saturday morning, carried out the death penalty for 47 people, including the cleric Sheikh Nimr Alnmr.anthy