Parliamentary Finance calling on the government to announce the terms of foreign loans

Parliamentary Finance calling on the government to announce the terms of foreign loans

12/22/2015 13:28 GMT

Parliamentary Finance calling on the government to announce the terms of foreign loansFollow-up – and babysit – the parliamentary finance committee called on the government to declare whether there are conditions in international loans to Iraq, including the removal of subsidies on some services and energy.
And the Rapporteur of the Committee Ahmed al-Haj that “any country if they were in a financial bind or always have an economic problem that resort to the International Monetary Fund and the latter when given any loans or economic reforms has to be commitment to a set of conditions”, adding that “the conditions vary from state to state another by the nature of the state or its potential. ”

“The conditions of the International Monetary Fund at the present time can not be adhered to by Iraq because one of the IMF conditions are always the removal of subsidies on all services, and therefore currently unable to Iraq to raise support for all the services, and there could be conditions or economic reforms He carried out by Iraq in return for granting this loan to address part of the economic problems. ”

He said al-Hajj “We have no knowledge of the conditions imposed by the International Monetary Fund, does impose certain reforms and the government did not authorize it?”, Stressing that “we do not have precise about the conditions of the IMF information.”

Some of the sites and social networking pages indicated to stop the appointments in the country until the year 2019 because of the terms of the loan from the IMF and the World Bank that the government stop the appointments for a period of 3 years and that the Iraqi government has agreed to all the terms.

The World Bank, had announced earlier agreed to give Iraq a loan of one billion and 200 million dollars to help it adjust the financial sector and improve the energy situation, and to compensate the decline in oil prices and rising security costs.

It is noteworthy that the House approved in its meeting last Wednesday, the next year’s budget in 2016 with a total expenditure of more than 105 trillion and 890 billion dinars, representing a deficit of 22.8%.

The total revenue which 81 trillion and 700 billion dinars oil revenues, which accounted for 69 trillion and 773 billion dinars The increase of 85.1% of total revenues, while non-oil revenues amounted to more than 11 trillion and 927 billion dinars The increase of 13.6% of total revenues.
