The Saudis have given gifts worth $ 1.3 million for Obama to buy influence in America
The Saudis have given gifts worth $ 1.3 million for Obama to buy influence in America
Date: 11/30/2015 19:25
Information / translation … Saudi royal family presented gifts “generous” to the United States President Barack Obama and his aides in an attempt to buy more influence on political decision-making in the White House. Site “Press TV in Iran” and move in translation agency / information / According to a report report Annual Accounting US State Department “has rained former Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and other senior officials in Saudi Arabia, Obama and his family with gifts valued at $ 1.3 million during 2014.” He pointed accounting report that “the Saudi monarch had been sent to Obama a pair of golden hours amounted to one value of which amount to $ 18,400 while the second value amounted to $ 67 thousand in Send to Obama Michelle wife two sets of expensive jewelry price the price of the first group of 560 thousand dollars, while the second price of 570 thousand dollars. “The report added that the” king Saudi Arabia former also sent to my daughter Obama, Sasha and Malia collection of jewelry worth 80 thousand dollars in local report that other gifts provided to aide Obama including hour made of white gold bracelet to the national security adviser, Susan Rice, valued at US $ 5370 and a number of watches for her assistants from Men valued at US $ 8170. “said a US contractor, a former CIA Stephen Kelly that” these gifts made by the Saudis to his wife and children and his aides intended to President buy influence inside the White House. “He added that” these forgotten that the US law states that delivers President presented gifts to him from world leaders to the National Archives, and if he wants to keep pushing its market value and take them with him when he leaves office. ” Finished / z 25