Crazy North Korea threatens to wipe off the map Turkey nuclear strike in support of the Russian ally

Crazy North Korea threatens to wipe off the map Turkey nuclear strike in support of the Russian ally

Pyongyang – November 29 / 2015

Crazy North Korea threatens to wipe off the map Turkey nuclear strike in support of the Russian allyQuoted by news reports about North Korean leader he vowed to Turkey in case participated in the Syrian war and the help of the United States of America, and the organization “Daash”, a nuclear strike would remove Turkey from the world map, as described. She sources Well-informed, that “North Korea has entered the conflict line in the Middle East, Iraq and Syria level,” noting that “the entry of North Korea to the region came to support its ally Russia, which supports the Assad regime in its war for survival.” turn commented Saudi writer, beauty Khashoggi, who is close to the Saudi palace, saying “joined into enemies Erdogan Kim Jong Bjnnouna, and wants to hit Turkey nuclear strikes”, it is certain that “some people are so happy and they will raise Online shares.” Ended O.h