An international plan to eradicate poverty in exchange for $ 5 trillion

An international plan to eradicate poverty in exchange for $ 5 trillion

2015/9/25 14:23

An international plan to eradicate poverty in exchange for 5 trillion dollars[Follow-up – where]
is scheduled to adopt the world’s leaders, on Friday, to eradicate poverty around the world in 15 years, an ambitious plan, costing between $ 3.5 trillion and $ 5 trillion, in the sustainable development summit convened by the United Nations, and will last 3 days .
And attend a summit in New York, US President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping, in addition to Egypt, India, Iran, Germany, Britain and France leaders.
And carry the plan name [transform our world: the agenda of the 2030 Sustainable Development, and includes 17-year-old target, and 169 interim target, It will be adopted after the opening speeches at the summit.
Among the objectives of the plan to ensure a good healthy life, and quality education for all, clean water, sanitation and modern energy, and achieving gender equality, and making cities safer, and reducing inequality within and between countries, and promote economic growth .
He said Kenya’s ambassador to the United Nations Macharia Camus, said that the goal of collecting trillions necessary to implement the plan to eliminate poverty “verifiable”, because most of the money will come from domestic resources in those countries, supplemented by international development assistance.
In turn, said Microsoft founder Bill company Gates, yesterday, said that “This amount of money will not be available in all next year’s confirmation,” adding that “it is necessary to work hard to reach this amount by 2030″.
In addition to economic issues, the plan provides for the need to achieve environmental goals, most notably combating climate change, protecting the oceans and seas and marine resources, and restoration of ecosystems Albraih.anthy