Parliamentary Finance: in front of the government 17 days to send the 2016 budget to parliament

Parliamentary Finance: in front of the government 17 days to send the 2016 budget to parliament

09/24/2015 14:28 GMT

Parliamentary Finance - in front of the government 17 days to send the 2016 budget to parliamentFollow-up – and babysit – the parliamentary finance committee, he said that the law provides for the government to send the draft budget law next year to the House of Representatives in 2016 after 17 days from now.
He said committee member Masood Haider, in a press statement that “if the government had sent the budget bill as stipulated by the law of any on the tenth of next October, the House of Representatives will vote on the law during the time period specified legally and constitutionally.”

The Ministry of Finance, announced on 15 September of this, presented a draft budget law for the year 2016 to the Council of Ministers, indicating that the financial budget for 2016 estimated at more than 113 trillion dinars with the calculation of the revenues derived from the export of crude oil on the basis of the average price of $ 45 a barrel Wahid, adding that the total expenditure of more than 113 trillion dinars, which is low by about six trillion dinars from the budget last year, which was 119 trillion dinars, registered a deficit in the budget next year by 26.5%, or about 30 trillion dinars, according to the draft budget published by the ministry, which on its website. Q, Q