Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-20-15

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-20-15

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-20-2015 Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3 [September is history…especially with Parliament out till the 29th… …why the wait if they are in such a hurry?] international banking rules and regulations they haven’t met yet…the international banking laws approved and met but their government and international rules keepers like the IMF, WB, UN FINANCE COMMITTEE. ETC ETC. …these are all things they are pushing as fast as possible daily now but governments and legals move slow in…regardless of the hurry. WE ARE IN GREAT PLACE AND OUR INVESTMENT GETTING MORE PROMISING EVERYDAY.

9-20-2015 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Your thoughts and beliefs on this post: “The HCL has nothing to do with what we need to look at. It’s not going to push anything forward or anything like that. The HCL has to do with the country federalizing and what they are going to do with oil.” I agree…plus they have a “patch work” of oil laws that would work fine.

9-20-2015 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 Abadi made a statement a few days ago that he was not going to conduct business through the media…That has pretty much been the status quo of the top powers who count. Anything that is “market sensitive” which includes monetary reform is not going to be hashed out in public or through the media…. They may talk about laws and reforms but none of it will ever indicate outright that the currency will appreciate overnight in value.

9-20-2015 Newshound Guru FrostyTheSnowman …two questions on my mind. #1 – When will Dr. Shabibi be exonerated … including his trusted colleagues so they can return to work with honor? #2 – Where will the 12’s final chess piece land? (In Iraq’s favor … or Iran’s?) IMO — lock-up M [Maliki] … and you lock-up Iran. Perhaps then will Dr. S be free to RV.

9-19-2015 Newshound Guru tlm724 Article: “Parliament surprised by the government’s decision to withdraw 100 law including “federal” and “Service Board”. this is interesting… there is controversy about the COM deciding to back burner these laws but it was done to make sure the laws are up to speed with the reforms, the laws were done during Maliki’s term so I would do the same thing. PM Abadi obviously wants the financial laws front and center, as do we…

9-19-20115 Newshound Guru Breitling Wall Street Journal Article “Stalled oil project weighs in on Iraq”…is this going to be a curse on the dinar being revalued? No it is not…it’s completely the exact opposite. That’s their play. That’s their back door. That’s they’re way out. What does Iraq have that nobody else has? The Iranian Rial is at market rate. The Saudi currency is at market rate. Guess what’s not at market rate? It’s the Iraqi Dinar. It’s a huge play. Huge plus for us. Huge plus for Iraq. They can make up for this stuff [glut of world oil/lower oil revenue]. They can double their wealth just by…adding value to their currency that should be there in the first place. Ok, that’s a great strategy, how do we know they are going to do that? It’s what we are always looking at…they are taking currency off the market. They are setting it up in order to do that. It’s good news for us. It puts Iraq’s back up against the wall to get them to use their number one option…their currency…their number one defense. And you and I are sitting on millions of it. That’s what we’re hoping for and that’s what we’re looking at.

9-19-2015 Newshound Guru OOTW [looks like the Investment law is next, what does that do for everyone?] the investment law provides regulations for investments to support govt and private sector development…domestically and internationally…it dictates (in part) contractual laws and contractor’s requirements as well as their payments contracts structures – as well as dividends or investment realization…these are only a few aspects of the investment law.

9-19-2015 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Najiba Najib: adoption of the investment law will help solving the problems of the financial budget” First – when is the Investment Law coming and exactly where does this law come up with the revenue to make good and this budget problem? OK – “reportedly – the Investment Law is coming soon” and secondly – good news to hear Najiba Najib talking like this but worth pointing out – she is the MP calling for an RV recently (value, increase, whatever you want to call it…). So there it is – soon and she’s calling for an increase in value – as an answer to their budgetary crisis… [how much weight does she have on making them do what she wants?] MP and sits on either the Economic or Finance committee…