Economic parliamentary: the investment law will pass next week

Economic parliamentary: the investment law will pass next week

Date: 04/09/2015 10:15

Economic parliamentary - the investment law will pass next weekInformation / BAGHDAD / ..
confirmed member of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Najiba Najib, on Friday, that the investment law will pass through the parliament sessions next week.
She said Najib told / information /, that he “does not have any political dispute over investment law and there is a will by House of Representatives to pass this law next week, “indicating that” some members of the economy want to have investment, however, the federal government and is not, however, investment authorities in the provinces and that otherwise the constitution.
“She added that” if the insistence pass the investment law and that the investment is, however, the federal government, we We will stand against this law, everyone is calling for there to be broad powers, however, the provincial administration, “asserting that” the law will represent a real breakthrough in the way of fact, investment in the development of Iraq, “.anthy / 25 u