Youkhana: Ready National Guard Law for a vote in Parliament
Youkhana: Ready National Guard Law for a vote in Parliament
08-08-2015 05:00 PM
Said the House of Representatives decision Imad Youkhana, that the draft is ready National Guard Law for a vote in parliament to pass’.
He said Youkhana in a press statement I followed the news, that ‘ready National Guard Law of the vote but needs some consensus, possible to vote him soon’.
With regard to the most important laws that will be presented during the next session of parliament, said the parliament decision that ‘the most important laws that have been read a first reading is a project that ban the Baath Party Law and the parties that call for extremism and terrorism and violence, and the law that must be asked is the accountability and justice law’.
He added that ‘these Laws came by within the political agreement which formed the government, and the law may pose in the coming parliamentary sessions to the first and second reading ‘.