The international credit rating agency: Iraq economic policy can not cope with the volatility of oil prices

The international credit rating agency: Iraq economic policy can not cope with the volatility of oil prices

7/8/2015 4:00 p.m.

The international credit rating agency - Iraq economic policy can not cope with the volatility of oil prices[Follow-up – where]
agency Fitch Ratings Iraq began to cover the classification of “B-” with a stable outlook, pointing out that political instability and security risks in the country’s levels of the highest levels among the country classified by the agency.
She added, “Fitch” it expects a deficit of double-digit budget of Iraq in 2015 because of falling oil prices and rising military expenditures and the costs associated with the conflict.
She noted that Iraq’s dependence on the initial of the highest levels among the countries covered by the agency rankings which goods level.
She said “economic policy tools Limited in Iraq are difficult to face the volatility of oil prices. ”
relies Iraqi state in the construction of the annual financial budget by about 90% on imports of oil exported, and led the decline in crude prices since the middle of last year to a significant decline in Iraq’s resources reaching its budget in 2015 about $ 100 billion deficit Financial expected up to 25% .anthy