Asian Investment Bank
Asian Investment Bank
07/08/2015 0:00
Author: Yasser incumbent
China has not only led by the world economic growth rate and continuous quest because the State Great most prominent are but I went to come Bjdidha adopt the establishment of Asian Investment Bank for the equivalent in activity of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and to become a strong competitor to US domination of the world’s economies through it.
The play China’s important and powerful role in the world to create the sovereign balance on economic activity and thus will create serious competition contribute to make further concessions toward widening the benefits and gains that accrue to countries that deal with the IMF and the World Bank and ADB investment in the sense determine the monopoly of economic decisions in times of crisis and economic variables.
So come invitations to join Iraq to Asian investment to its proximity to the reality of the economies of Asian countries and the reality of their peoples Bank, eight need for Iraq to many direct investments might find in such a new bank who is looking for competitive investments and soft terms and encouraging.
the most prominent encourages and invites to join is that the investment bank aimed at infrastructure, this What the country lacks him for many reasons in the forefront of the lack of attention to such strategic projects or weakness in the implementation of a number of them, which I tried some quarters fought in addition to the demise and digging in existing projects.
But going into this area need to be focused study of the importance of joining or not and this requires familiarity with visions experts and specialists in this field, for objective considerations in Iraq put the current is unlikely to enter into areas dominated by international conflicts related to the acquisition of international economic decisions, especially since there are indications of this kind, although the competition for playing such a role is featured. The presentation Aq has obligations as other countries that deal with the two institutions Wars Monetary Fund and World Bank, so it requires caution when the lineup to compete with institutions, but that does not prevent from looking at the subject from another angle related to the supreme interests of the country when taking such a step, so I wanted to focus on is this kind of case .
we find it necessary to organize a round table organized by the Central Bank in cooperation with the Iraqi private banks association to discuss the benefits and risks of foot to join or even before thinking about doing with the participation of economists, academics and well versed in monetary and banking policy and the need to listen to the vision of external relations in this regard to the questionnaire weights accept Aorvd to join Asian Investment Bank.