The advisers submit proposals to amend the federal oil and gas law (HCL) to be completed within two months
The advisers submit proposals to amend the federal oil and gas law (HCL) to be completed within two months
07/05/2015 14:23
Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: the advisers made a series of proposals to the Prime Minister with respect to oil and federal gas law, to be completed in less than two months and sent to Parliament. A source in the Council of Ministers for “tomorrow Press,” that “the controversial law falls under document items the political agreement, and must be passed on the basis of political consensus, to achieve what has been agreed upon between the participation in the government blocs, “noting that” the Council of Ministers completed more than 80 percent of the document the political terms of the agreement, and only three laws left in the corridors of the Council of Ministers or In the first reading phase, the oil and gas and amnesty and modify the amended law of the provinces, in addition to the re-activation of Article 140 to solve the problem of the disputed areas. ” He added that “The proposals included the addition of items and technical materials to ensure equity in the distribution of wealth”, but he refused to disclose, noting “The law will be an introduction to the activation of Article 140 of the disputed areas.” It is scheduled that the government fulfill all the terms of the political agreement contained 30 items, according to Time bishop included in the government program, as the Prime Minister announced earlier for sending the overall important and relevant program laws government to parliament. While parliament read seven first reading of draft laws in.