The central bank sold more than $ 15 billion since the beginning of 2015

The central bank sold more than $ 15 billion since the beginning of 2015

6/17/2015 4:34 p.m.

The central bank sold more than 15 billion since the beginning of 2015[Baghdad-where]
the Iraqi Central Bank announced that it sold more than $ 15 billion through its daily auction since the beginning of 2015.
A statement of the bank received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that “the quantity sold to banks from the date of 01.04.2015 until today [Wednesday] 17.06.2015 amounted to 15 billion and 410 million and 334 thousand to $ 821.”
dropped the sales for the same the period compared to last year 2014 by more than $ 8 billion as the central bank pointed out that “the quantity sold to banks from the date of 01.04.2014 until 17.06.2014 amounted to 23 billion and 426 million and 340 thousand dollars.”
The Central Bank of Iraq has sold in the auction for the sale of foreign currencies on the amount of dollar three times higher than decided by the budget law for 2015 to $ 75 million a day.
amounted central bank sales in the auction on Wednesday, more than $ 257 ​​million at a price stood at a price of 1166 dinars to the criticism, and remittances in 1187 dinars with total price of the dollar in local markets by about 1400 dinars to the dollar, that dollar percent, equal to 140 000 dinars, or that he rose from the official price of 234 dinars, an increase of 20%.
This increase comes in the sales of Bank of dollars to curb the appreciation of its exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar in local markets and cover its need of foreign currency.
He assured the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi before heading to Iran today of “a lack of fear of exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar rate compared to the US dollar,” vowing to “strike manipulators prices dollar with an iron fist,” noting that “there is speculation and manipulation by spoilers who They want to influence the economic conditions and manipulation Bakot of the Iraqi people. ”
attribute specialists and economists this increase to the dollar in the domestic market, to a lack of supply of the dollar in the auction of the daily currency of the Central Bank of Iraq, which identified the quantification of the law of the general budget for 2015 to $ 75 million only after the it’s open, what called for increased demand for foreign currency to banks fulfill their obligations and businessmen and the market need for liquidity Almalah.anthy