The Washington Post: Clinton Foundation has accepted donations from Qatar amid accusations of bribery
The Washington Post: Clinton Foundation has accepted donations from Qatar amid accusations of bribery
06/04/2015 13:59 GMT
Agencies – newspaper “Washington Post” said that the corruption scandal in FIFA highlights the willingness of the Clinton Foundation to accept funds and donations from controversial sources, pointing to the acceptance of country donations amid concerns about the payment of bribes to obtain Qatar on the right to organize the World Cup football tournament in 2022.
Thawadi hosted by Clinton and newspaper pointed out that during the closed session of the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative in 2013, former US President Bill Clinton called to the podium, a former discount Hassan Abdullah al-Thawadi. Three years ago, he led Thawadi, a businessman Qatari young, successful efforts of his country to host the World Cup, and was part of the defeated US offer, which was led by Clinton himself. Donations country against the blessing of the Clinton says the Washington Post that the alleged payment of bribes Qatar in order to achieve this victory, appeared then, and led to an international investigation by FIFA lasted for more than a year during the time of the Clinton Global Initiative. During the meeting, Clinton’s stop on the podium while Thawadi spoke proudly about the use of technology which has been developed in the Qatari football stadiums plans. The newspaper considered that that moment made for Qataris a touch of legitimacy blessed by Clinton amid controversy brewing around them. For the Clinton Foundation, the move came a large donation. Access to the platform requires paying more institution official said the attic National Committee of 2022 headed by Thawadi sponsored the annual meeting of the Clinton initiative in 2013, a situation that requires a donation worth at least $ 250 thousand dollars. But according to several people familiar with the practices of the institution, many of the sponsors paid more, especially those who wish to share the podium with the former president. A spokesman for the organization that sponsors live up to the platform on the basis of their commitments to charitable feature and not the size of their donations. Qatari donation drew attention amid the international football scandal. Where the US authorities accused 14 officials from FIFA and Barashoy fraud and other charges, and the game saw the havoc over the decades, as the Swiss authorities announced that they are particularly achieved in Qatar for the right to organize the 2022 World Cup.