US undergo a transplant a new face after 30 failed process

US undergo a transplant a new face after 30 failed process

31/05/2015 seven past six p.m.

US undergo a transplant a new face after 30 failed process[Follow-Wayne]
under Richard Norris of 39-year-old general living a distorted since he himself was shot in the face by mistake in 1997.
Richard and underwent more than 30 operations in the following years, to correct some of the damage, but without for a significant improvement in the form of his face.
Three years ago, Joshua Ovrsano citizen, aged 21, died in a car accident. Here, on the background of this tragedy, we hope to Richard came. Thanks to surgeons skilled in cosmetic science was replaced by the face of Richard deformed generally late Joshua Ovrsano, after the approval of the latter with.
mother said Joshua that generally her son donated to Richard was “the right thing to do … We are very pleased to have been able to help him.”
He underwent Richard surgery as long as 36 hours in Maryland Medical Center in the process considered controversial, given that Richard survival rate was only 50%.
Although the surgery was successful, but the rest of the life of Richard will not be easy as he has to abide by a certain way of life and address several drugs to support his immune system, in addition to receiving treatment continues for the face to be considered a stranger to his body, which may try to Lima was rejected part.
However, the life of Richard has dramatically improved since the operation where no longer afraid of leaving the house, no longer faces the rigors of strangers curious, he said, It will remain for the rest of old Joshua grateful to the family who donated his health and Saadh.anthy