Official Chinese newspaper warns of war on the South China Sea if Washington did not back down
Official Chinese newspaper warns of war on the South China Sea if Washington did not back down
25/05/2015 09:52 GMT
Agencies –
Chinese state-owned newspaper of the outbreak of the inevitability of war between China and the United States on the South China Sea on Monday warned if Washington did not stop Beijing demanding an end to building artificial islands in that disputed region.
The newspaper “Global Times” said an influential national newspaper People’s Daily mouthpiece of the ruling Communist Party of China owned by speaking in an editorial that China is determined on completion of construction operations carried out by. Adding that China should “carefully prepared” to the potential for conflict with the United States.
The newspaper added, “if the basic line of the United States is the need to stop their activities, then China will be a war between the United States and China in the South China Sea is inevitable …” The Power of the conflict will be greater than people usually consider (friction). ”
This article comes amid growing tensions over construction operations carried out by China in the Spratly archipelago in the South China Sea. China said last week it was “deeply upset” after the flight of a US spy plane over the islands close to those areas with each accusing the other party of causing instability.
Such comments do not usually represent the official policy but sometimes interpreted as a reflection of government thinking.
China has claimed sovereignty over most of the South China Sea, through which free trade is estimated at five trillion dollars annually. And demanding Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan also sovereignty over sea areas.
The United States routinely demanding that all countries on the disputed sovereignty in the region to halt construction in the Spratly Islands but China accuses the implementation of operations at the level of much more than any other state.