Liberal America warns of a ground intervention in Iraq and says: our response will be firm

Liberal America warns of a ground intervention in Iraq and says: our response will be firm

25-05-2015 01:20 PM

Liberal America warns of a ground intervention in Iraq and says - our response will be firmWarned the MP for the Liberal bloc Abdul Aziz Zalmi, Monday, the intervention of US ground forces in Iraq, as he emphasized that ‘resistance’ ready to face any ground intervention US under the pretext of freeing Anbar and its response will be painful. He said Zalmi in a statement that ‘resistance in complete readiness to face any interference Berri US forces in Iraq under the pretext of freeing Anbar ‘, indicating that the’ statement of Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr refuses the presence of Americans on Iraqi territory, and that happened, the response of resistance will be painful. ” He added Zalmi, that ‘resistance rifles directed against a common enemy and one which the Americans and Daash being the two sides of the same coin ‘, noting that’ the Islamic Resistance halted the project, which threatens the countries in the region and its peoples and their armies’. The US Senator Lindsey Graham said earlier, that the plan that the United States followed the defeat of the organization ‘Daash’ in Iraq will not work What was not sent ground troops on the ground.