Newspaper: warnings of a third world war and Washington and China may be ends

Newspaper: warnings of a third world war and Washington and China may be ends

Publishing Date: Sat, 23 May two thousand and fifteen 16:50:25

Newspaper - warnings of a third world war and Washington and China may be endsBAGHDAD Today’s News

American billionaire and politician George Soros recently warned of the possibility of a third world war, predicting that the United States and China are both ends.

Newspaper “Market Watch” and quoted Soros that he believes that a third world war will be the basis of whether or not the situation of the Chinese economy linked. He explained the investor and political American controversial these expectations by saying: “If faltered China’s efforts on the shift from export to domestic consumption-oriented economy, it is very likely then that the Chinese authorities need to external conflict to maintain power and to prevent the collapse of the country, pointing out that” in If the emergence of a military conflict between China and US ally, like Japan, will not be a great exaggeration to say that we on the brink of a third world war. ”

Soros did not disturb the terrifying predictions of mention of Russia, as it boosted its forecast to “end of the world” by referring to “the significant increase in military spending in Russia and China.”

He urged the American businessman who moved to China mainly because of this concern, the United States to provide “initial concession” and allow the admission of China’s currency Iwan to the currencies of IMF basket, explaining that of course will make it Iwan potential rival to the US dollar as the currency of the global reserve.

Soros pointed out that China in return will offer concessions, and initiate reforms in the economy so that believes in “the rule of law,” adding that allowing Iwan to join the “holy of holies” international basket of currencies, will hold a “binding contact” between the bipolar world, warning that the Despite the difficulty of the poles agree, however, that the alternative unpleasant and painful.

He stressed the famous American businessman on the need to take these measures to face the real danger, he said he is “linking China’s own political and military with Russia swear, and then will become the threat of World War III absolute truth, and should therefore be alert to this.” Soros drew his warnings to the United States and also to the Chinese authorities, calling on them of to enhance their cooperation to prevent a slide into a third world war.