It failed to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East agreement

It failed to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East agreement

23/05/2015 9:49

It failed to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East agreement{International: Euphrates News} failed participants in the conference organized by the United Nations, to reach an agreement to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons because of disagreements on a ban on nuclear weapons in the Middle East.
And announced Under the US State Department Rose Jotimolronh “it is not reached to a consensus among the signatories of the treaty, 191 countries and travel, to hold a conference under the auspices of the United Nations on ways to improve compliance Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East treaty.” and accused Under the US State Department some countries to undermine negotiations, noting that the negotiations lasted nearly four weeks. She said Rose Jotimolr, “we have made ​​clear throughout these negotiations, we will not accept attempts by some to manipulate negatively conference or attempt to influence the negotiations to strengthen the narrow objectives.” did not specify Jotimoalr names of those States, however, some diplomats and directed fingers to Egypt, while Egypt denies trying to undermine the conference. For his part, delivered Egyptian Foreign Minister Assistant and head of the Egyptian delegation, Hashim Badr, blamed the United States, Britain and Canada in the failure to reach consensus, saying, “It is a sad day for the Non-Proliferation Treaty.” It is noteworthy that Egypt proposed last month, with the support of other Arab countries and nations of the Organization of Non-Aligned Movement, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon held a regional conference on the prohibition of weapons of mass destruction as it came during a meeting held in 2010 to review the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. and participated more than 150 state in the UN conference which lasted over a month to review the extent of the spread of weapons treaty Alnowih.anthy