Nechirvan Barzani, accusing Baghdad of failing to honor the agreement in the oil: We seek a new agreement

Nechirvan Barzani, accusing Baghdad of failing to honor the agreement in the oil: We seek a new agreement

10/5/2015 nine twelve p.m.

Nechirvan Barzani accusing Baghdad of failing to honor the agreement in the oil - We seek a new agreement[Where-Sulaymaniyah]
accused the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Nechirvan Barzani, on Sunday, that Baghdad has not adhered to the Convention concluded between them and Irbil, “referring to the” pursuit of the Kurdistan region to conclude a new agreement with the federal government. ”
The Erbil and Baghdad agreed last December on the export of 250 thousand barrels of oil in the Kurdistan region, and 300 thousand barrels of Kirkuk oil to oil pipelines which are supervised by the federal government, as opposed to sending the share of the Kurdistan region of the general budget.
He said Barzani told reporters on the sidelines of his inspection Complex Farouk Medical in Sulaimaniya, said that “the Kurdistan region committed to the Convention in full, but that Baghdad has not applied,” explaining that “our agreement with Baghdad as part of the budget 2015 bill to Ptsidirna 550 thousand barrels of oil of Iraq In contrast to inform the budget of the Kurdistan Trliuna province and 200 billion dinars , but unfortunately did not abide by that Convention. ”
Barzani added that “if they want to [Baghdad] to deal with the Kurdistan region as buyers of oil we have no objection, but we will seek to conclude a new agreement with Baghdad, because it must change some of the points in that Convention.”
He added, “Our problem with Baghdad was the oil export rate calculation mechanism, whether annually or monthly or every three months, at present the province exported about 550 thousand barrels of oil a day, especially during the last month, and we are waiting from Baghdad to comply with its part of the financial budget law , and sent for oil, which has been exported, the amount trillion and 200 billion dinars to the region. ”
and put Baghdad on the sixth of May this amount of $ 534 billion dinars in the bank account of the Kurdistan region, after we sent at the end of the month of January 2015, an amount of 250 billion dinars and, in the month of February sent 460 billion, and in the ninth of April, sent 527 billion dinars.
It is noteworthy that the third paragraph of Article X of the financial budget law for 2015 states: If you do not fulfill any party [the federal government, the Kurdistan Regional Government] oil obligations or financial agreed in this budget, the other party is also obliged to fulfilling its obligations or financial oil was “.anthy