Mutlaq and Jeffrey: Solving the current crisis comes through legal and constitutional frameworks

Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq with the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey Althanaah overall relations between Baghdad and Washington and ways of developing the interest of the two peoples of Iraq and the U.S.

Zcarpean and al-Mutlaq of the Office of the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that “al-Mutlaq, received at his office in the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, and the two sides during the meeting focused on the political crisis gripping the country and ways to resolve the legal and constitutional frameworks.”

He added that “al-Mutlaq said that the solution of political problems should be in the framework of the higher interests of the country’s national unity and preserve the wealth and achieve economic security and social justice, and safeguard the freedoms and human rights.”

The statement noted that “Ambassador Jeffrey For his part, the U.S. government’s keenness on the stability of political and security situation in Iraq under a democratic system.”