Independent likely inability of Iraqi pilots fly a plane “F -16″

Independent likely inability of Iraqi pilots fly a plane “F -16″

04/25/2015 20:51

Independent likely inability of Iraqi pilots fly a plane F -16Translate tomorrow Press / Baghdad: The British newspaper The Independent, The Iraqi pilots probably will not be able to lead the “F-16 plane” in spite of sending a number of them to the United States to be trained on leadership. In this regard questioned Gen. pilot retired Martin Lopes, of enabling Iraqis leadership that plane because they need an intelligent and intuitive and able to maneuver dramatically and take bold decisions pilot. She drew the British newspaper, that Iraq bought in 2011.18 US plane in the amount of $ 3 billion and returned to buy another 18 aircraft in the past two years, worth $ 290 million , the number of aircraft to be about 36 military aircraft. say US officials, to enable Iraq to lead this plane needs a long time, especially as the obstacles taking place in the country to prevent it. He says military expert Sperry The confusion about the date of the aircraft were handed over to their relatives would hurt significantly their efforts to fight al Daash, but there is a problem which, to hand over Iraq this aircraft without the readiness of pilots who are in the United States will create more losses do not bring victories. had no comment, and the US Department of Defense, about the readiness of Iraqi pilots in terms of their physical fitness, and did not answer questions about whether these aircraft will be used to hit a jihadist organization sites or on the same sectarian and ethnic differences zones. The Iraqi army has been battling militants “Daash” in many of Iraq’s major cities with the help of US air strikes, investigators recent gains as important as the liberation of Tikrit city with the help of the Shiite popular forces, But he is still struggling to regain control of the city of Ramadi and other strategic areas in the country.